Browse Items: 181

Home demonstration work under the Smith-Lever Act, 1914-1924

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In 1919 the Office of Cooperative Extension Work, North and West, wishing to obtain information on which to base home programs, made a survey of 10,000 representative farm homes in the rural regions of the 33 Northern and Western States in cooperation with the State colleges of agriculture and the county farm bureaus, and…

The Farm Woman's Problems

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In this circular may be found data with interpretations relating to the work and problems of 10,044 farm women in the Northern and Western States, with an indication as to how some of these problems are being met through the aid of home-demonstration agents working in cooperation with groups of farm women.

Before agriculture and rural life can…

The Farm Woman's Dream

A poster by the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, to promote water supply for rural area in Missouri

Social and Labor Needs of Farm Women

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The present report deals only with letters which discuss the social and labor needs of farm women. Under these headings are included references to better roads, telephones, and mail service as important factors in the social life of the country, and to the long hours and methods of women's work, which, on many farms, increase isolation and leave…

Body Measurements of American Boys and Girls for Garment and Pattern Construction

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Purpose of the Study

This study, financed by the Works Progress Administration and conducted as a W. P. A. project, was made in order to supply accurately taken body measurements for use in the construction of children's garments and patterns.

Unsatisfactory sizing is a source of much consumer difficulty in the selection of suitable clothing…

Reindeer Recipes

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The reindeer herds of Alaska, introduced by Government agencies to supply food for the natives, have now developed until their keeping is looked upon as the most, practical agricultural industry of Alaska. The Department of Agriculture became interested in it in July, 1920, when the Bureau of Biological Survey was authorised to conduct…

Sun Suits for Children

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SUN BATHS should be given to all well children to keep them well and to many sick children to help make them well. When the weather permits and the sun is not too hot, arrange for the youngster to be out doors in the sunshine as much as possible. Sick children should take their sun baths stripped or clad merely in very short pants. In many places…

Is The Modern Housewife a Lady of Leisure?

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In most masculine eyes — and even in some feminine — the average housewife today is a Cinderella in modern dress. The magic wand of the Industrial Revolution is supposed to have transformed her from a household drudge into a lady of leisure. On every hand the opinion is heard that she has ceased to be a "producer", that insofar as she still has a…

Daily Time Record of Homemaker

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Each small space between the hours on the "clock" represents five minutes. Begin this day's record by drawing a line on "A. M. clock" from outer to inner circles at time of arising. At end of time given to the next activity draw another line, and in space between lines describe this activity. Continue in this way changing to "P. M. clock" at noon…

Selection of Cotton Fabrics

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THE GREATER PROPORTION of textiles bought by the average family and most of the garments made in the home are of cotton. Therefore, the careful selection of these materials means the saving not only of money but also of time and effort of the housewife. This bulletin gives information concerning those details of cotton-fabric composition and…

Sewing Machines: Cleaning and Adjusting

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Making... making over... mending... these are three big wartime as well as peacetime jobs. A sewing machine in good running condition can help do all three. It thus helps families practice the conservation and thrift so essential now.

All well-made sewing machines, new or old, used constantly or idle, can be made to run easily and sew…

Buying A New Sewing Machine

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Buying a sewing machine for home use is a long-time investment. Reputable manufacturers build machines to last for many years with only minor replacement of parts. Usually you can clean, oil, and adjust the machine yourself.

Today there are many choices of machines in a wide range of prices. No one machine is likely to have all the features you…

Home Economics Research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture

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To put science to work for better everyday living is the assignment of the Institute of Home Economics, a small research agency which is a part of the Agricultural Research Service in the U. S. Department of Agriculture. The work is carried out in three Divisions — the Human Nutrition, the Clothing and Housing, and the Household Economics Research…

Storage Space Requirements for Household Textiles

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This publication reports in detail the methodology and findings of a study made to establish basic dimensions of commonly used kinds and sizes of household textiles as they are stored and to determine the measurements of storage facilities needed for the kinds and quantities of household textiles owned by specified portions of farm families in all…

Dresses and Aprons for Work in the Home

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If you are a homemaker doing your own work, then, like the rest of the busy world of workers, you want clothing suited to your job. A dress that restricts when you reach or bend, that twists or gets in your way when you stoop or climb may be as fatiguing as a poorly planned kitchen. Yet there are homemakers who give less attention to the selection…

Women's Dresses and Slips: A Buying Guide

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Every woman wants to buy the best dresses her means permit. Whether she has much or little to spend, the ability to make a wise choice means a great deal from the standpoint both of money outlay and of satisfaction. For the cost of dresses is a very important item in the clothing budget.

Good dresses last longer, look better, and are more…

Ensembles for Sunny Days

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When days are hot and children need few clothes, a sun-suit ensemble is ideal. The cool romper with its net top to catch the ultra-violet rays is just right for play in the backyard. With a dress to match, it makes an outfit for practically any occasion.

Over a sun suit a child need merely put on a matching dress or overblouse to be…

Dresses Designed for Little Girls

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Dresses best suited to little girls 2 to 6 years old are designed especially for a child's way of doing things. Styled for comfort, they allow for growth and freedom of action. The dresses are easy to put on and to fasten; they encourage a child to dress without help. They are dainty, yet sturdy enough for playtime and for frequent washings. Their…

Dresses for Little Girls

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Dresses for the little girl of to-day are designed to meet her own particular needs. They are comfortable, convenient, simple, and sturdy, not only because these qualities are practical, but also because they are appropriate and in good taste. Her styles, unlike those for grown-ups, change little from season to season, but they are fashionable and…

Shopper's Coat

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For homemakers who have chores away from home,
particularly grocery shopping, this shopper's coat is practical.

Not merely a rainy-weather coat, this garment can be worn on cool sunny days as well as on wet clays. With a liner, a suit, or a heavy sweater under it the shopper's coat will serve also on cold days.

The coat is made from cotton…