Browse Items: 52

Eggs the Year Round From Table Scraps: How Idle Land and Table Waste can be Turned Into Dollars

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Few subjects have been so much discussed as that of raising chickens. There are grounds for supposing that the first thing Adam and Eve did after their investigation of the forbidden brought up the problem of the high cost of living was to turn to the hen for a solution.

And there are equally good grounds for believing that the hen made good.…

Essentials of Successful Poultry Keeping

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Everybody who has followed the development of the poultry interests in this country during the past few years knows that we have made wonderful progress in our knowledge and methods of caring for these profit producing animals.

This work has been taken up and carried on by both state and private parties and the results of these researches have…

Profits in Poultry Keeping Solved

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In the way of introduction to those who have never heard of me or of my new methods, it is perhaps advisable that I should say something about myself. I was born a poultryman ; my father before me bred fancy stock all his life and from a small boy I gathered eggs, took charge of the poultry, exhibited them at the country fairs and had birds of my…

Successful Incubation: A Working Manual for Large Hatching Plants

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This little book gives our experiences in hatching conducted for about six years. It is the story of our investigations, how we have finally stumbled on to the right way to hatch chicks. It is hoped it will save many the heart-rending experiences we have gone through. When you once know how, it is simple enough to hatch chicks, but it is not always…

Twelve Months Work in the Poultry Yard

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The contents of this booklet are intended to be, primarily, intensely practical and to teach a method of poultry keeping exactly opposite to that which is "fussy," complicated and unnecessarily laborious.

On the other hand, the title "Twelve Months' Work" has been purposely chosen to emphasize the fact that the successful poultryman will find…

From Shell to Show Room: A Compendium of Useful Information, Covering Every Phase of Poultry Growing From the Egg to Maturity

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It was this idea of educating the new breeder to a better way of starting in the business, and avoiding the errors which have wrecked the hopes of many inexperienced ones, who started wrong, with no available reference to correct them, that the authors of this book planned a publication of this kind. It is our aim to tell you in a way that is easy…

Incubation: A Working Manual For Large Hatching Plants

Artificial incubation of the eggs of domestic fowls has been practised from time immemorial in both Egypt and China.

In the United States probably more patents have been taken out on incubators than on any other kind of machinery, yet, taking the country over, there are enormous losses of fertile eggs which would have produced strong and…

How to Make Poultry Keeping Pay

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Many times every year those who have done business with me from year to year have asked why I did not write a book telling how to make poultry as profitable as possible. I have always felt that I should wait to do this until I had learned more of the secrets of success with poultry, but I find that if I were to wait until I knew everything that…

Poultry Appliances & Handicraft: How to Make & Use Labor-Saving Devices. With Descriptive Plans for Food & Water Supply, Building & Miscellaneous Needs. Also Treats on Artificial Incubation & Brooding

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About one hundred and fifty handy devices are explained and illustrated in this little book. These have been selected for superior merit from a much larger number available. Here skilled poultry keepers from all parts of the country have detailed the favorite short-cuts that have saved them most loss and trouble. Many new ideas have been added,…


The Seven Fundamentals.

The first factor to be considered in the success of any poultry business is the foundation stock. The kind of birds one will finally select will depend upon the type of business one wishes to go into, the market, the geographical location, and one's own personal preference. But there are certain fundamentals which every…

Side Line Poultry Keeping : "Two Dollars A Day From Poultry and Eggs"

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This book is rewritten to meet the needs of those who wish to keep poultry as a side line. So far as the author knows it occupies a field peculiarly its own. Many books have been written about poultry keeping the past few years, and many articles have appeared in the papers on the subject, but the books and articles have been written either to give…

Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture

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Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture features farmer experiences plus the latest research in a guide to raising chickens and turkeys using pens, movable fencing and pastures.

A Wisconsin family nets between $2 and $6 per bird for their pasture-raised poultry, and partners with two other producers in processing and marketing. A New Mexico…