Items from "Poultry Housing": 48
Open-Air Poultry Houses For All Climates
Henry B. Prescott, practical poultryman, Derry, N. H., believes in fresh air for poultry of all ages. His remarks concerning chicks are of interest: "An abundance of good vitalized air is an important factor in poultry raising. The fresh air chick comes into the world with an especially good lease on life for he is possessed of one of the most…
Poultry Houses: Coops & Equipment
It is easier and less expensive to build a poultry house on the most advantageous location and to construct it properly than it is to change it after it is built, to meet the requirements. The matter of location is an important one. Permanent poultry buildings should never be located upon heavy soil if it can be avoided. Such soil is better adapted…
How To Raise Chicks
Raising the chicks has been named as the most difficult "poultry problem" and some poultrymen say that "everything else is easy." If one begins right, with well born chicks, chick rearing ought not to prove so very difficult. What is meant by beginning right?
For success the rearing of chicks should begin with the parent stock. You must have…
For success the rearing of chicks should begin with the parent stock. You must have…
Artificial Incubating and Brooding
A person who is at all well informed will not dispute the claim that the poultry business in the United States is now an important national industry. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important, not alone in this, but in every other civilized country, for poultry and eggs are much esteemed the world around as a highly nutritious and…
Poultry Management
This bulletin contains an account of the methods of poultry management in use at this Station, including methods of incubation, treatment and housing of young chicks, a description of the warmed and curtained front houses, the trap nests, and methods of feeding laying hens.
Up-To-Date Poultry Houses and Appliances
The contents of this book is a compilation of illustrations
with word descriptions by the Author and Editor of Poultry Success, such as are in actual and practical every day use by leading and successful poultry raisers, not only those who raise a few hundred birds each, but those whose annual output reaches into the thousands, the utility…
with word descriptions by the Author and Editor of Poultry Success, such as are in actual and practical every day use by leading and successful poultry raisers, not only those who raise a few hundred birds each, but those whose annual output reaches into the thousands, the utility…
Poultry House Construction
This article explains the essential principles of poultry-house construction, showing pictures of houses and fixtures which have given satisfaction in various sections of the country, with their plans and specifications; and contains hints on construction which will assist the poultryman in planning and erecting his…
This article explains the essential principles of poultry-house construction, showing pictures of houses and fixtures which have given satisfaction in various sections of the country, with their plans and specifications; and contains hints on construction which will assist the poultryman in planning and erecting his…
A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry
A trap nest is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State experiment station. It is very simple and may be built at a…
A Simple Trap Nest for Poultry
A TRAP NEST is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm, and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State Experiment Station. It is very…
A TRAP NEST is a laying nest so arranged that after a hen enters it she is confined until released by the attendant. The trap nest shown in the accompanying illustrations is used with good results on the Government poultry farm, and is quite similar to the nest used at the Connecticut State Experiment Station. It is very…
Methods of Poultry Management at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
Many years' practical experience in raising and keeping poultry and investigations in poultry breeding at the Maine Experiment Station have resulted in the accumulation of a considerable fund of information on poultry management. It is the purpose of the following pages to outline this experience for the benefit of poultry keepers and thereby to…
Brood Coops and Appliances
Every boy and girl club member should provide a good coop for the mother hen and little chickens. If you do not have one already, it should be built before it is time for the little chicks to hatch. Many boys and girls build their coops in the wintertime so as to have them ready for use in the spring, and when this is done a nest box can be placed…
Seventh Annual Cataloge of Cyphers Incubator Company: Manufacturers of the Cyphers Non-Moisture, Self-Ventilating and Self-Regulating Incubators, The Improved Cyphers Brooders and A Full Line of Poultry Appliances, Also Dealers in Poultry Supplies
Up to six years ago, when the Cyphers was placed on the market, a non-moisture, self-ventilating incubator had never been heard of in America, or in any other country. The Cyphers, therefore, is the original and only genuine non-moisture and self-ventilating incubator. Other so-called non-moisture and self-ventilating incubators are either…
Third Annual Catalogue of the Cyphers Incubator Co
It will be perceptible to the most casual reader that any incubator that has built up in but two seasons a reputation such as the Cyphers now enjoys as a leader the world over, must have some points of merit over the old style machines which its competitors are manufacturing.
We will here endeavor to show in what way it excels; and further,…
We will here endeavor to show in what way it excels; and further,…
Incubation: A Working Manual For Large Hatching Plants
Artificial incubation of the eggs of domestic fowls has been practised from time immemorial in both Egypt and China.
In the United States probably more patents have been taken out on incubators than on any other kind of machinery, yet, taking the country over, there are enormous losses of fertile eggs which would have produced strong and…
In the United States probably more patents have been taken out on incubators than on any other kind of machinery, yet, taking the country over, there are enormous losses of fertile eggs which would have produced strong and…
Poultry Experiments
This bulletin contains an account of the brooder houses, houses for hens, and the methods of feeding used at the Station; the Maine Station trap nest; and a feeding experiment with whole vs. cracked corn.
The Chick Book. From the Breeding Pen to the Shell to Maturity: Contains All the Experience of the World's Leading Poultrymen and All the Latest and Most Trustworthy Information About Hatching, Rearing, Fattening and Marketing Chickens......
The poultryman's profit depends in a great measure upon his success in rearing the chicks. Success is attained only by intelligent use of correct methods. If the incubation, growth and development of the chick are not attended by such conditions as produce and maintain the good health necessary for building a vigorous body and strong constitution,…
Poultry House Construction
Hens need a comfortable house which is dry and roomy and abundantly supplied with fresh air and sunlight. It never pays to overcrowd the fowls.
Small or colony houses and long laying houses make good quarters for hens, the best type depending on conditions.
It is easier to keep the birds healthy and to reproduce the stock under the colony…
Small or colony houses and long laying houses make good quarters for hens, the best type depending on conditions.
It is easier to keep the birds healthy and to reproduce the stock under the colony…
The Incubator and Its Use
I am induced to place this little work entitled "The Incubator and its Use," before the public for various reasons. One is, that we are constantly flooded with letters from all parts of the country asking innumerable questions on the subject, of which the following are specimens: "Which is the best incubaator?" "What is the proper degree of heat to…
Chickens and How to Raise Them: All About Chickens, How to Hatch, House, Feed and Fatten Them and Cure Their Diseases
In the following pages the author deals in a systematic and thorough way with the subjects of natural and artificial incubation, and the rearing of chickens. He commences with a chapter on Nature's method of incubation, then fully describes the wonderful structure of an egg, following with chapters on the development of the embryo, the importance…
Poultry Architecture: A Practical Guide for Construction of Poultry Houses, Coops and Yards
The aim of this book is to give designs of sufficient variety to suit conditions everywhere. Few requests come more often to the office of a poultry editor than those asking designs and directions for some part of a poultry plant. The number and variety of such requirements is surprising.
On the other hand, the very diversity of conditions…
On the other hand, the very diversity of conditions…