Items from "Egg Production": 37
Egg-Grading Manual
This manual is an aid in teaching both beginning and experienced egg graders the correct interpretation and application of the U.S. standards, grades, and weight classes for eggs. It can serve as a guide in short courses or grading schools when supplemented with lectures, group discussions, and demonstrations. This manual should also prove useful…
Use of Artificial Light to Increase Winter Egg Production
After the average person gets used to the idea of the use of artificial light to increase egg production, the first or main prejudice commonly met with is that it is a forcing process; that it means overworking the hens and therefore must result, sooner or later, in an injury to them, or in their physical breakdown. The welcome fact is that this…
Egg Buying Guides for Consumers
Are These Egg Facts NEWS To You?
Eggs are valued for their proteins, vitamins, and minerals, any meal of the day, the year round. Like other important protein foods, eggs should be properly handled to protect their quality. Proper handling means cooling the eggs promptly after they are gathered from the hen's nest, and keeping them under…
Eggs are valued for their proteins, vitamins, and minerals, any meal of the day, the year round. Like other important protein foods, eggs should be properly handled to protect their quality. Proper handling means cooling the eggs promptly after they are gathered from the hen's nest, and keeping them under…
From Chick to Layer: With Complete Feeding Directions by Noted Poultry Authorities
These articles have appeared in Poultry Tribune from month to month. In the present form they will serve as an effective reminder of the most important poultry facts. To the authors we are indebted for the use of the articles in this form. Here they will serve their greatest usefulness.
Buy Quality Eggs With Confidence
U.S. Quality Standards—Condition of the White and Yolk
U.S. Weight Classes—Minimum Weight Per Dozen Eggs
USDA Shell Egg Certification
U.S. Weight Classes—Minimum Weight Per Dozen Eggs
USDA Shell Egg Certification
How to Buy Eggs
Look for the USDA Shield
Select by Grade (Quality)
Select by Size (Weight Classes)
Select by Grade (Quality)
Select by Size (Weight Classes)
Poultry Experiments
This bulletin contains an account of investigations in breeding poultry for egg production; the methods employed in the selection of breeding stock; and detailed accounts of the methods of feeding hens and chickens.
Poultry Experiments in 1902
This Bulletin contains an account of breeding for egg production, including the egg record of the breeding pens for 1902; experiments upon the amount of floor space and other conditions of housing in relation to egg yields ; and experiments in incubation of eggs.
200 Eggs a Year Per Hen: How to Get Them. A Practical Treatise on Egg Making and Its Conditions and Profits in Poultry
We hear a good deal said in these days about the 200 egg hen. Some are disposed to deny her existence, and to class her with such fabulous or semi-fabulous birds as the phoenix and dodo. Others admit that she has appeared in isolated instances, but is by no means common. Others contend that if she should appear in large numbers it would be a…
$6.41 Per Hen Per Year: The Corning Egg-Book
"Here everything but an egg is a by-product."
These words of Edward Corning hold the secret of the great success of the Corning egg farm. That little farm, with its immense product of "fancy" eggs, is a capital illustration of the great possibilities of specialization when applied to poultry products. The great demand in large cities for a…
These words of Edward Corning hold the secret of the great success of the Corning egg farm. That little farm, with its immense product of "fancy" eggs, is a capital illustration of the great possibilities of specialization when applied to poultry products. The great demand in large cities for a…
Eggs and Egg Farms
We have endeavored to obtain for the readers of Eggs and Egg Farms the latest trustworthy information in reference to this important and profitable branch of the poultry industry. Almost every person is in a position to make money by keeping a few fowls to supply the daily egg needs of the home table, or a greater number to satisfy the appetites of…
Eggs the Year Round From Table Scraps: How Idle Land and Table Waste can be Turned Into Dollars
Few subjects have been so much discussed as that of raising chickens. There are grounds for supposing that the first thing Adam and Eve did after their investigation of the forbidden brought up the problem of the high cost of living was to turn to the hen for a solution.
And there are equally good grounds for believing that the hen made good.…
And there are equally good grounds for believing that the hen made good.…
A Complete Treatise of the Methods Used by Tom Barron, England, in Producing Heavy Layers
Doing over nature, forcing the hen to lay eggs to an extent heretofore impossible has been the life work of the most justly celebrated of poultry breeders, Tom Barron, of Catforth, England; doing the very thing that nature made no provision for is the result of Tom Barron's work with hens, a work teeming with success to a degree that no American…
Profitable Culling and Selective Flock Breeding
One of the most important advance steps in commercial poultry keeping in recent years, and one that promises to exercise a truly great influence upon the development and permanent upbuilding of the industry, is the more exact knowledge poultry keepers now have of the characters of individual fowls; also the extent to which these characters, whether…
Poultry Investigations at the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station
For many years poultry work has been carried on at the University of Maine. It was not, however, until 1897 that the Maine Experiment Station decided to begin a series of poultry investigations on a somewhat extended scale. Since 1904 this work has been carried on in cooperation with the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of…
Temperature Sequence of Eggs from Oviposition Through Distribution: Transportation--Part 3
The Egg Safety Action Plan released in 1999 raised many questions concerning egg temperature used in the risk assessment model. Therefore, a national study by researchers in California, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas was initiated to determine the internal and external temperature sequence of eggs from…
Temperature Sequence of Eggs from Oviposition Through Distribution: Processing--Part 2
The Egg Safety Action Plan released in 1999 raised questions concerning egg temperature used in the risk assessment model. Therefore, a national study was initiated to determine the internal and external temperature sequence of eggs from oviposition through distribution. Researchers gathered data from commercial egg production, shell egg…
Temperature Sequence of Eggs from Oviposition Through Distribution: Production--Part 1
During Egg Safety Action Plan hearings in Washington, DC, many questions were raised concerning the egg temperature (T) used in the risk assessment model. Therefore, a national study was initiated to determine the T of eggs from oviposition through distribution. In part 1; researchers gathered data on internal and surface egg T from commercial…
Pathogen prevalence and microbial levels associated with restricted shell eggs
Restricted shell eggs that do not meet quality standards for retail but maintain acceptable quality for inclusion in further processed eggs are often diverted to further processing. A study was conducted to characterize the microbiological populations present on and in these eggs. On a single day, restricted eggs were collected from three shell egg…
The dopaminergic system and aggression in laying hens
The dopaminergic system is involved in the regulation of aggression in many species, especially via dopamine (DA) D1 and D2 receptor pathways. To investigate heritable differences in this regulation, 2 high aggressive strains [Dekalb XL (DXL) and low group egg productivity and survivability (LGPS)] and one low aggressive strain (low group egg…