Browse Items: 5

Know Your Farmer Know Your Food Compass

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The Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Compass is a digital guide to help stakeholders navigate USDA resources and efforts related to local and regional food systems. It explains USDA’s recent work to create new market opportunities and to use consumer interest in where their food comes from to foster a national conversation that benefits all of…

Roadside Market

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“This plan was developed for the operator who plans to sell a considerable amount of farm produce on the retail market.

Location is an important factor. A market of this size should be on a well-traveled road, since a large volume of business is required to justify the cost of such a building. Ample parking space, off the roadway, should be…

Display Stands For Farm Produce

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Products displayed at fairs or exhibits or on sales stands show well when they are pyramided on one of these semicircular portable display stands.

Yearbook of Agriculture, 1925

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This volume is the fifth and last of a series of yearbooks dealing primarily with the economic aspects of agriculture. The series was started under the direction of the late Henry C. Wallace, who was Secretary of Agriculture from March 5, 1921 until his death on October 25, 1924. In the preceding volumes articles have appeared on grains, livestock,…

Roadside Stand

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Roadside markets are the most direct method of moving produce from farm to consumer. If a suitable location is available and the operation fits into the farm enterprise, a roadside market provides the operator with a retail outlet. Customers benefit by obtaining produce that is fresh from the field.

This 8- by 16-foot roadside stand is designed…