

Housing in Rural America is an online exhibit containing items from the National Agricultural Library (NAL) collections. A snapshot of rural America is provided using the NAL General Collection and Special Collections. Through time, small towns have been considered an expression of quality of life and throughout rural America that quality has been both wealthy and wanting.

Many of the items in this exhibit were published decades ago. Therefore, please do not assume that the content reflects current programs, policies, or practices. All views expressed in these items are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the National Agricultural Library. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials contained in "Housing in Rural America" are either in the public domain due to copyright expiration or because they are works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties and thus are not copyrighted within the United States. 

Please contact NAL if you have any questions about this site.