Thomas Jefferson Correspondence

Items in the Thomas Jefferson Correspondence Collection

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Letter from Peters, Richard to Thomas Jefferson, concerning a plan for a state agricultural society.

My dear Sir: Permit me to present you with the Plan I send you for a State Society of Agriculture. I drew it up at the Request of our Philad[elph]ia Society & have Hopes that I shall get it thro . It is only the Beginning of a Plan I have in View…

Letter from Dio, Luke O. to Thomas Jefferson, about his qualifications for laying out public gardens in Washington, D.C.

Hon[our]d S[i]r I am informed that there is Publick Gardens to be Laid out in the City of Washington under your sanction and as you have seen some of the Beautifull [sic] Gardens of Europe I should Be Happy to Dow [sic] Buisness [sic] for them that…

Letter from Dio, Luke O. to Thomas Jefferson, address on back of letter.

[Addressed:] The. Hon[oura]ble Th. Jefferson President of the United States of America City of Washington[Indorsed:] O Dio Luke, June 23. 1801. Recd. June 21 [sic].

Letter from Lord Sheffield to Thomas Jefferson, acknowledging his receipt of a model of Jefferson's mould board.

Sir On the receipt of a Box containing a small Model of a Mould Board, which in consequence of a long vacation, was not received till late in January, it was referred to one of the Members, who has paid particular attention to the Subject. His report…

Letter from Lord Sheffield to Thomas Jefferson. Back of letter.

in the front of the Mould Board, while it rests in its own position, will not be attended with inconvenience when turning a Furrow, consisting of loose Mould. As we are much interested in the complete success of this invention, we shall be obliged to…

Letter from Jefferson, Thomas to Col. Skipwith, concerning millet seed.

Monticello Apr. 17. 10. Dear Sir Overhauling my seeds reminded me that I was to send you some Millet seed. it is now inclosed. put it into drills 3. or 4.F. apart so that you may conveniently plough it, and the stalks at 0.I. distance in the drill.…

Letter from White, John Campbell to Thomas Jefferson, concerning melon seed from Persia.

Thomas Jefferson Esq[ui]re Sir Two of my sons travelling in England through the favour of Sir John sinclaire {sic}, received some Melon seed, of two species, brought from Persia by Sir Gore Ousel[e]y. it has a high character. I have therefore much…

Letter from Jefferson, Thomas to John Cambell White, acknowledging receipt of the melon seed from Persia

Th: Jefferson presents his salutations and respects to Mr White with his thanks for the Persian melonseed he has been so kind as to send him. he will endeavor to do it justice by his attentions, and especially to disperse it among his most careful…

Letter from Prince Edward and Watkins, Henry E. to Thomas Jefferson, asking for some more succory seed.

Prince Edward. Sir, You were good enough to say, when I had the pleasure of seeing you in Stanton, that you would send me some of the seed of the succory, if I would remind you of it after your return home. It is therefore, that I now take the…

Letter from Prince Edward and Watkins, Henry E. to Thomas Jefferson. Back of letter.

[Addressed:] Thomas Jefferson Esq[ui]re Virginia [Indorsed:] Watkins Henry B. Nov. 27.18

Letter from Jefferson, Thomas to Henry E. Watkins, transmitting succory seed and outlining the culture of succory.

Dear Sir Your fav[ou]r of the 6th. did not get to hand till the 23d. and I now with pleasure send you as much of the succory seed as can well go under the volume of a letter. as I mentioned to our colleagues at the Gap, I had forgotten which of them…

Letter from Silvestre to Thomas Jefferson, concerning agricultural matters.

Nota. Les lettres et réponses Paris le 20 O[cto]bre 1819 doivent être adresseés au Secrétaire perpetuel de la Société, sous le couvert de S.E. la Ministre de l'Intérieur.Société Royale et…

Letter from Silvestre to Thomas Jefferson, concerning agricultural matters. Back of Letter.

Nota. Les lettres et réponses Paris le 20 O[cto]bre 1819 doivent être adresseés au Secrétaire perpetuel de la Société, sous le couvert de S.E. la Ministre de l'Intérieur.Société Royale et…

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