Browse Collections (48 total)
George Washington Carver Correspondence Collection

The George Washington Carver Correspondence Collection contains correspondence between Carver and his friend Paul R. Miller, who was a former…
Owen Hugh Graham Papers

The Owen Hugh Graham: Screwworm Eradication Program Records relate to eradication efforts in Florida, the U.S. Southwest, Mexico, Central America and…
Edward Fred Knipling Papers

The Edward Fred Knipling Papers are part of the larger Screwworm Eradication Program Records. This collection covers all of the areas of entomology…
USDA Pink Bollworm Project Photograph Collection

The USDA Pink Bollworm Project Photograph Collection documents the work of the Plant Quarantine and Control Administration on bollworm detection,…
USDA Human Nutrition Information Service Records

The Human Nutrition Information Service Records consist of historical information on food and nutrition research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture…
Hazel Katherine Stiebeling Papers

The Hazel Katherine Stiebeling Papers consist of nutrition articles, family photographs, biographical documents and photographs related to…
Agricultural Research Service Insect Biocontrol Laboratory Rose Gall Midge Photographs

The Insect Biocontrol Laboratory Rose Gall Midge Photograph Collection contains approximately 100 photographs related to the work on the rose gall…
USDA Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations Photograph Collection

The USDA Drug and Poisonous Plant Investigations Photograph Collection consists of black and white lantern slides of research projects conducted by…
Harry William Schoening Papers

The Harry William Schoening Papers consist of materials pertaining to Schoening's veterinary research; a pictorial history of individuals who worked…
Thomas E. Devine Papers

The Thomas E. Devine Papers contain materials from his 32 years of research for the Agricultural Research Service on the genetics and breeding of…
Severn Run's Cazador (Caz), Screwworm Detection Dog, Collection: Screwworm Eradication Program Records

The Severn Run's Cazador (Caz), Screwworm Detection Dog: Screwworm Eradication Program Records includes photographs, correspondence, Caz's working…
Wilbur Olin Atwater Papers

The Wilbur Olin Atwater Papers contain correspondence, photographs, publications, and data sheets related to Atwater's research in the chemical…
USDA Division of Agricultural Engineering Records

The USDA Division of Agricultural Engineering Records contain photographs, glass negatives, and acetate negatives relating to agricultural…
Quartermaster Corps Front Royal Remount Station Photographs

The collection consists of 106 black and white photographs taken during winter of 1941 at the United States Army Remount Station in Front Royal,…
USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Horticultural and Pomological Investigations Records

The USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Horticultural and Pomological Investigations Records contain black and white photographs, acetate and glass…