Thomas E. Devine Papers
The Thomas E. Devine Papers contain materials from his 32 years of research for the Agricultural Research Service on the genetics and breeding of legumes (birdsfoot trefoil, alfalfa, and soybeans). Papers include information on attended conferences, advisory capacities, professional organizations, and research-related correspondence. Many of Dr. Devine’s 90 publications are included in the papers. Yearly performance records from his federal service document work plans, successes, and c hallenges. Years and topics of research include: 1967 1969, research geneticist, breeding and genetics of birdsfoot trefoil, Ithaca, NY; 1969-1974, insect and disease resistant alfalfas for the Eastern United States, Beltsville, Maryland; 1974-1997, research program on the genetics and breeding of soybeans, Plant Nutrition Laboratory, Beltsville, MD; 1997-2009, breeding legume winter cover crops for use in sustainable agricultural systems, Weed Science Laboratory, Beltsville, MD. Detailed field plans and evaluations exist from various research projects. Successful projects from Dr. Devine’s work include: eight soybean germplasm releases, five soybean cultivar releases, and two hairy vetch cultivar releases; interspecific hybridization; the allopolyploidization of induced tetraploids by means of x ray irradiation; selection for tolerance to herbicides, air pollutants and edaphic stresses; the development of disease and insect resistance; the genetics and coevolution of host/microsymbiont nitrogen-fixing interactions; mapping the soybean genome; breeding legumes for sustainable agricultural systems; research on anthracnose resistance in alfalfa production; the first anthracnose resistant alfalfa variety, Arc; development and release of nine alfalfa clones as bioindicators of air pollution, and nine disease resistant alfalfa stocks.
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- Thomas E. Devine Papers