30 Items

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  • Publisher is exactly "Maryland State Highway Administration"
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6vStreamRestoration duck family

Description: By creating opportunities for natural wetland features to develop within the floodplain, more animals are attracted to the area.

Date: 2012-2014

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6vStreamRestoration MP-8C

Description: Stabilization of stream banks reduces bank erosion and instream sedimentation.

Date: 2012-2014

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6xStreamRestoration MP-16

Description: Adding gravel material to the stream channel enhances fish habitats. Native trout require a rocky stream bottom for best reproduction.

Date: 2012-2014

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Archaeological Excavation

Description: Overview of the data recovery investigations showing test units scattered across the site.

Date: 2012-2013

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Cluster of stones probably used in a hearth.

Description: This cluster of stones probably used in a hearth was an early indication of the richness of the site.

Date: 2012-2013

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Cooking Hearth

Description: Hearth likely used to prepare food for the occupants of the site.

Date: 2012-2013

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Description: Jasper debitage resulted from chipped off larger pieces of stone during the tool making process.

Date: 2012-2013

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Fire-cracked rock

Description: Overview of the results of Phase II archaeological excavations, showing a cluster of fire-cracked rock called Feature 1.

Date: 2012-2013

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Floodplain Paint Branch After Construction

Description: Removal of the berm allows water to use the floodplain, providing wetland habitat, removing sedimentation from the water, and dissipating destructive flood energy.

Date: 2012-2014

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Floodplain Paint Branch Before Construction

Description: The floodplain of Paint Branch before
construction - The soil is well protected by
sod, but the berm prevents waters from
using the floodplain during storms.

Date: 2012-2014

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Description: Quartzite hammerstone was used to strike off lithic debitage in order to make a stone tool such as a knife, scraper, or projectile point.

Date: 2012-2013

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Jack's Reef Pentagonal Point

Description: The Jack's Reef pentagonal is a broad, thin, stemless point. It has a five-sided shape, with straight or slightly concave sides, usually asymmetrical. The base is often straight, but can be curved inward. Length typically ranges from 25 to 44 mm. The…

Date: 2012-2013

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Jasper Jack's Reef Corner-Notched Point

Description: The Jack’s Reef corner-notched point is medium-sized, broad and thin. The blade is flat with excurvate (smooth and convex) or angular edges. It generally has a five-sided or egg-shaped form. The base is flared and straight. The stem is…

Date: 2012-2013

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Jasper Pentagonal Form

Description: Jasper biface has been re-sharpened into a pentagonal form. It may be a point that was broken during use. After which, an attempt was made to re-sharpen the point while still hafted.

Date: 2012-2013

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