61 Items

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  • Subject is exactly "Agent Orange Exposure Study"
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VA Concludes Twins Study Feasible

Date: September 15 1983

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Protocols for Epidemiologic Studies of the Health of Vietnam Veterans, Draft for Review and Comment [nd]

Description: Corporate Author: CDC, Public Health Service, DDHS, Atlanta, Georgia

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Typescript: Protocol: Validation Study Comparing Military Records-based Estimates of Likelihood of Exposure to Agent Orange with Plasma Levels of 2,3,7,8-TCDD, September 1986

Description: Corporate Author: Agent Orange Projects, Division of Chronic Disease Control, Center for Environmental Health, CDC

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CDC Study Still at Square One

Date: April 10 1986

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Typescript: Exposure Assessment for the Agent Orange Study, Interim Report Number 2, Supplemental Information, December 8, 1985

Description: Corporate Author: Agent Orange Projects, Chronic Disease Division, Center for Environmental Health, CDC

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Typescript: Project Description for: Epidemiologic Studies of the Health of Vietnam Veterans, July 29, 1985

Description: Corporate Author: Agent Orange Projects, Chronic Disease Division, Center for Environmental Health, CDC

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Typescript: Agent Orange Projects Interim Report (Draft): Agent Orange Study, Exposure Assessment: Procedures and Statistical Issues, February 1985

Description: Corporate Author: Agent Orange Projects, Chronic Disease Division, Center for Environmental Health, CDC

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Supporting Statement: Epidemiologic Study of the Health of Vietnam Veterans

Description: Corporate Author: Centers for Disease Control

Date: 1983-11-01

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Protocol for Epidemiologic Studies of the Health of Vietnam Veterans

Description: Corporate Author: Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, Georgia

Date: 1983-11-01

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