6 Items

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  • Subject is exactly "environmental hygiene"
Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.

Industrial Hygiene

Date: 1941-01-01

No digital file available. Please contact Special Collections for access.

Dioxins and Related Compounds as Issues of International Concern

Date: 1983

No digital file available. Please contact Special Collections for access.

Liver Dysfunction in Residents Exposed to Leachate from a Toxic Waste Dump

Date: 1983

No digital file available. Please contact Special Collections for access.

Formation of Polychlorodibenzodioxins and Polychlorodibenzofurans in Urban Incinerators Emissions

Creators: Liberti, A., Brocco, D.

Date: 1982

No digital file available. Please contact Special Collections for access.

The 2,3,7,8 - Tetrachlorodibenzo - para - Dioxin Problem: a Review

Creators: Firestone, D.

Date: 1978

No digital file available. Please contact Special Collections for access.

Safety Measures for Taking Down Buildings Contaminated with Toxic Material II

Creators: Dalderup, L.M.

Date: 1974

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