Rare Books

158 Items

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  • Collection: Rare Books
Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.

Psittacus Paradisi ex Cuba. (The Parrot of Paradise of Cuba)

Description: Erutex Lauri folio pendulo, fructu tricocco, semine nigro splendente. (Red-wood)- p. 10

Creators: Catesby, Mark

Date: 1731-1743

Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.

Rikka shodo shu volume 1

Creators: Jinkyusai

Date: 1684

Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.

Rikka shodo shu volume 2

Creators: Jinkyusai

Date: 1684

Thumbnail for the first content page of the item, linking to the full file.

Rikka shodo shu volume 3

Creators: Jinkyusai

Date: 1684

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