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Research Publications (Food Safety)

This page tracks research articles published in national and international peer-reviewed journals. Recent articles are available ahead of print and searchable by Journal, Article Title, and Category. Research publications are tracked across six categories: Bacterial Pathogens, Chemical Contaminants, Natural Toxins, Parasites, Produce Safety, and Viruses. Articles produced by USDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) and FDA Grant Funding Agencies (requires login) are also tracked in Scopus.

Displaying 13126 - 13150 of 42287

  1. Sensitive and selective electrochemical detection of Bisphenol A based on SBA-15 like Cu-PMO modified glassy carbon electrode

    • Food Chemistry
    • Author(s): Aziz Eftekhari, Maryam Dalili, Ziba Karimi, Shamila Rouhani, Amir Hasanzadeh, Sadegh Rostamnia, Samad Khaksar, Azeez Olayiwola Idris, Hassan Karimi-Maleh, Mehmet Lütfi Yola, Titus A.M. Msagati

      • Chemical contaminants
  2. Transfer of European Union priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to lycopene extracted from tomato peel powder and assessment of the risks posed

    • Food Chemistry
    • Author(s): Naiying Wu, Wei Gao, Qingshan Yang, Xuanxuan Qiao, Yayuan Cai, Junbo Gong

      • Chemical contaminants
  3. Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congener 180 (PCB 180) Regulates Mitotic Clonal Expansion and Enhances Adipogenesis through Modulation of C/EBPβ SUMOylation in Preadipocytes

    • Food and Chemical Toxicology
    • Author(s): Caixia Yu, Qing Wen, Qidong Ren, Yuguo Du, Xinni Xie

      • Chemical contaminants
  4. Evolving trends in SERS-based techniques for food quality and safety: A review

    • Trends in Food Science & Technology
    • Author(s): Lan Jiang, Md Mehedi Hassan, Shujat Ali, Huanhuan Li, Ren Sheng, Quansheng Chen

      Food quality and safety are very important from health as well as fiscal point of view. Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) techniques have unique advantages in the field of food detection, with characteristics of fast analysis speed, high detection sensitivity, and without interference from the water phase.

  5. Are cadmium and lead levels linked to the development of anxiety and depression? - A systematic review of observational studies

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Anna Maria Cybulska, Szymon Grochans, Magdalena Sylwia Kamińska, Mateusz Bosiacki, Karolina Skonieczna-Żydecka, Elżbieta Grochans

      • Heavy Metals
      • Chemical contaminants
  6. Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and sex hormones in children and adolescents: Evidence from NHANES

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Chengzhe Tao, Yun Fan, Rui Niu, Zhi Li, Hong Qian, Hao Yu, Qiaoqiao Xu, Qiujin Xu, Chuncheng Lu

      • Chemical contaminants
  7. Effects of polystyrene microplastic on uptake and toxicity of copper and cadmium in hydroponic wheat seedlings (Triticum aestivum L.)

    • Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    • Author(s): Xueying Zong, Juanjuan Zhang, Jinwei Zhu, Linyu Zhang, Lijuan Jiang, Ying Yin, Hongyan Guo

      • Heavy Metals
      • Chemical contaminants
  8. Free-range eggs from a very polluted site in central Italy: levels of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins/Furans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls and estimated human dietary exposure

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contamination levels of some classes of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in free-range hen eggs and to estimate the related human dietary exposure in a Site of National Interest (SNI), characterized by a serious state of environmental pollution (Bussi sul Tirino area, central Italy).

      • Produce Safety
      • Dioxins
      • Chemical contaminants
  9. Design, Synthesis, and Structural Analysis of Cladosporin-Based Inhibitors of Malaria Parasites

    • ACS Infectious Diseases
    • Here we have described a systematic structure activity relationship (SAR) of a set of compounds inspired from cladosporin, a tool compound that targets parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) lysyl tRNA synthetase (KRS). Four sets of analogues, synthesized based on point changes in the chemical scaffold of cladosporin and other logical modifications and hybridizations, were assessed using high throughput enzymatic and parasitic assays along with in vitro pharmacokinetics.

      • Heavy Metals
      • Chemical contaminants
  10. Relationship of growth conditions to desiccation tolerance of Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Growth on solid media as sessile cells is believed to increase the desiccation tolerance of Salmonella enterica . However, the reasons behind increased resistance have not been well explored. In addition, the same effect has not been examined for other foodborne pathogens such as pathogenic Escherichia coli or Listeria monocytogenes . The purpose of this research was two-fold: first, to determine the role of oxygenation during growth on the desiccation resistance of S. enterica , E.

      • Salmonella
      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  11. In silico  structural and functional analysis of cold shock protein in Pseudomonas fluorescens  PF08 from marine fish

    • Journal of Food Protection
    • Pseudomonas fluorescens is a specific spoilage microorganism of refrigerated marine fish, which possesses strong adaptability to low temperature. Cold shock proteins (CSPs) play an important role in bacterial cold adaptation. In this study, the CSP genes were obtained from the genome of P. fluorescens PF08 by search the conserved domain of CSPs through HMMER software, and their physicochemical property, structure and function were analyzed by bioinformatics.

      • Salmonella
      • Bacterial pathogens
  12. Novel transgenic mice with Cre-dependent co-expression of GFP and human ACE2: a safe tool for study of COVID-19 pathogenesis

    • Transgenic Research
    • Abstract

  13. Changes in Muscle Mass after Botulinum Toxin Injection in Children with Spastic Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy

    • Toxins
    • We aimed to evaluate muscle mass changes after injection of botulinum toxin (BoNT) in children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). Children aged between 2 and 12 years who were diagnosed with hemiplegic CP with spastic equinus foot were prospectively recruited and administered BoNT in the affected leg. Lean body mass (LBM) of both legs and total limbs was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) preinjection and 4 and 12 weeks after injection.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Clostridium botulinum
  14. Next Generation Sequencing for the Prediction of the Antibiotic Resistance in Helicobacter pylori: A Literature Review

    • Antibiotics
    • Background and aims: Only a few antimicrobials are effective against H. pylori, and antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem for eradication therapies. In 2017, the World Health Organization categorized clarithromycin resistant H. pylori as a “high-priority” bacterium. Standard antimicrobial susceptibility testing can be used to prescribe appropriate therapies but is currently recommended only after the second therapeutic failure. H.

  15. A Rationally Designed Bovine IgA Fc Scaffold Enhances in planta Accumulation of a VHH-Fc Fusion Without Compromising Binding to Enterohemorrhagic E. coli

    • Frontiers in Plant Science
    • We previously isolated a single domain antibody (VHH) that binds Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) with the end-goal being the enteromucosal passive immunization of cattle herds. To improve the yield of a chimeric fusion of the VHH with an IgA Fc, we employed two rational design strategies, supercharging and introducing de novo disulfide bonds, on the bovine IgA Fc component of the chimera.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
  16. Molecular Interaction and Evolution of Jasmonate Signaling With Transport and Detoxification of Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Plants

    • Frontiers in Plant Science
    • An increase in environmental pollution resulting from toxic heavy metals and metalloids [e.g., cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), and lead (Pb)] causes serious health risks to humans and animals. Mitigation strategies need to be developed to reduce the accumulation of the toxic elements in plant-derived foods. Natural and genetically-engineered plants with hyper-tolerant and hyper-accumulating capacity of toxic minerals are valuable for phytoremediation.

      • Chemical contaminants
      • Heavy Metals
  17. RNA-Mediated Control in Listeria monocytogenes: Insights Into Regulatory Mechanisms and Roles in Metabolism and Virulence

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular pathogen that is well known for its adaptability to life in a broad spectrum of different niches. RNA-mediated regulatory mechanisms in L. monocytogenes play important roles in successful adaptation providing fast and versatile responses to a changing environment.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Listeria monocytogenes
  18. AHL-Lactonase Producing Psychrobacter sp. From Palk Bay Sediment Mitigates Quorum Sensing-Mediated Virulence Production in Gram Negative Bacterial Pathogens

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Quorum sensing (QS) is a signaling mechanism governed by bacteria used to converse at inter- and intra-species levels through small self-produced chemicals called N-acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs). Through QS, bacteria regulate and organize the virulence factors’ production, including biofilm formation. AHLs can be degraded by an action called quorum quenching (QQ) and hence QQ strategy can effectively be employed to combat biofilm-associated bacterial pathogenesis.

      • Chemical contaminants
      • Heavy Metals
  19. Extensive Reannotation of the Genome of the Model Streptomycete Streptomyces lividans TK24 Based on Transcriptome and Proteome Information

    • Frontiers in Microbiology
    • Streptomyces lividans TK24 is a relevant Gram-positive soil inhabiting bacterium and one of the model organisms of the genus Streptomyces. It is known for its potential to produce secondary metabolites, antibiotics, and other industrially relevant products. S. lividans TK24 is the plasmid-free derivative of S. lividans 66 and a close genetic relative of the strain Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). In this study, we used transcriptome and proteome data to improve the annotation of the S.

  20. Bacterial Microcompartments Coupled with Extracellular Electron Transfer Drive the Anaerobic Utilization of Ethanolamine in Listeria monocytogenes

    • mSystems

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  21. Transcriptome Analysis of Listeria monocytogenes Exposed to Beef Fat Reveals Antimicrobial and Pathogenicity Attenuation Mechanisms

    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    • Listeria monocytogenes is a deadly intracellular pathogen mostly associated with consumption of ready-to-eat foods. This study investigated the effectiveness of total beef fat (BF-T) from flaxseed-fed cattle and its fractions enriched with monounsaturated fatty acids (BF-MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (BF-PUFA), along with commercially available long-chain fatty acids (LC-FA), as natural antimicrobials against L. monocytogenes.

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  22. Selective Uptake of Pelagic Microbial Community Members by Caribbean Reef Corals

    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    • Coral reefs are possible sinks for microbes; however, the removal mechanisms at play are not well understood. Here, we characterize pelagic microbial groups at the CARMABI reef (Curacao) and examine microbial consumption by three coral species: Madracis mirabilis, Porites astreoides, and Stephanocoenia intersepta.

      • Shellfish toxins
  23. Prevalence of Listeria Species on Food Contact Surfaces in Washington State Apple Packinghouses

    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    • The 2014 caramel apple listeriosis outbreak was traced back to cross-contamination between food contact surfaces (FCS) of equipment used for packing and fresh apples. For Washington state, the leading apple producer in the United States with 79% of its total production directed to the fresh market, managing the risk of apple contamination with Listeria monocytogenes within the packing environment is crucial. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of Listeria spp.

      • Listeria monocytogenes
      • Bacterial pathogens
  24. Contagious Antibiotic Resistance: Plasmid Transfer among Bacterial Residents of the Zebrafish Gut

    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    • By characterizing the trajectories of antibiotic resistance gene transfer in bacterial communities such as the gut microbiome, we will better understand the factors that influence this spread of resistance. Our aim was to investigate the host network of a multidrug resistance broad-host-range plasmid in the culturable gut microbiome of zebrafish. This was done through in vitro and in vivo conjugation experiments with Escherichia coli as the donor of the plasmid pB10::gfp.

      • Vibrio
      • Bacterial pathogens
  25. Vegetable-Derived Carbapenemase-Producing High-Risk Klebsiella pneumoniae ST15 and Acinetobacter baumannii ST2 Clones in Japan: Coexistence of blaNDM-1, blaOXA-66, blaOXA-72, and an AbaR4-Like Resistance Island in the Same Sample

    • Applied and Environmental Microbiology
    • This study was conducted to characterize carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from fresh vegetables in Japan. Two K. pneumoniae isolates (AO15 and AO22) and one A. baumannii isolate (AO22) were collected from vegetables in the city of Higashihiroshima, Japan, and subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing, conjugation experiments, and complete genome sequencing using Illumina MiniSeq and Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencing platforms.

      • Bacterial pathogens
      • Leafy Greens
      • Produce Safety