Search the Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange
The Container List for the Agent Orange Collection provides information for the majority of the items in the collection. Approximately 1,438 items in the collection have been converted to Portable Document Format, or PDF, for online access. Users can contact Special Collections to make an appointment to view the complete document onsite.
Displaying documents 1921 - 1940 of 5588
Report: Request for OMB Approval to Proceed to Phase II of the NIOSH Dioxin Morbidity and Reproductive Study of U.S. Chemical Workers
Report: Supporting Statement NIOSH Study of Morbidity in Workers Exposed to Chemical-Herbicide Production and Community Residents of Unknown Exposure Status
Memorandum: To Marilyn A. Fingerhut regarding Science Panel
Memorandum: Proposal for the Natural Degradation of TCDD, from L. Givaudan to President of the Regione Lombardia, March 10, 1977
La Salute nell'area del disastro ICMESA [Health in the Area of the ICMESA disaster]
Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Lombardi
The Poison That Fell From the Sky
Activity of the LPIP in Testing Consequent to the ICMESA Incident
Indagine e ricerche del Laboratorio Provinciale di Igiene e Profilassi -Reparto Chimico - per la valutazione dell'inquinamento da 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-diossina (TCDD) nell'area di Seveso [Assessment of Pollution Caused by TCDD in Seveso]
Typescript: Patologia Dermatologica Specifica Nella Zona Di Seveso Dal Luglio 1977 Al Febbrario 1978 (parte II) [Dermatological Pathology in Seveso from July 1977 to February 1978]
Pollution of the Environment and Offspring Aproppos of the Accident of Seveso
Multinationals and Health: Reflections on the Seveso Catastrophe
Sea Decontamination Codet-PCB system
Disastro ICMESA: Scienza, pubblica amministrazione e popolazione di fronte alla tragedia technologica
Accidental Release of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) at Seveso, Italy
Typescript: Relazione finale sui risultati delle ricerche sperimentali sulle lessioni cutanee indotte nell'animale dalla TCDD [Final Report - Results of Experimental Research on Skin Lesions in Animals From TCDD]
A Method for the Determination of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin at p.p.t. Levels in Vegetables by High-Resolution Gas Chromatography and Low-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Levels in Cow's Milk from the Contaminated Area of Seveso, Italy
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Toxic Effects and Tissue Levels in Animals From the Contaminated Area of Seveso, Italy
Sampling, Occurrence and Evaluation of PCDDs and PCDFs From Incinerated Solid Urban Waste