Search the Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange
The Container List for the Agent Orange Collection provides information for the majority of the items in the collection. Approximately 1,438 items in the collection have been converted to Portable Document Format, or PDF, for online access. Users can contact Special Collections to make an appointment to view the complete document onsite.
Displaying documents 1981 - 2000 of 5588
Mailgram from Luigi Noe to Alvin Young, September 9, 1983
Business Cards Collected by Alvin Young During Visit to U. S. of Italian Scientists from Seveso, August 1983
Typescript: The Chemical Accident at Seveso (Italy): Statistical Analysis in Regions of Low Contamination
Letter: to Stephen M. Ayres from Alvin L. Young, October 6, 1983
Letter: to Senator Luigi Noe from Alvin L. Young, October 7, 1983
Letter: to Robert Schreiber from Alvin L. Young, October 7, 1983
Letter: to Senator Luigi Noe, from Robert J. Schreiber, October 19, 1983
Letter: to Alvin L. Young from Umberto Fortunati, November 9, 1983
Letter: to Alvin L. Young from Luigi Noe, November 10, 1983
Typescript: Brief Review of Health and Environmental Data From the Seveso, Italy, TCDD Episode, November 14, 1983
Letter to Umberto Fortunati from Katherine R. Savits, November 17, 1983
Letter to [Katherine] Savits from G. U[mberto] Fortunati, November 30, 1983
Photograph: Alvin L. Young
Typescript: Statistical Interpolation Model for the Description of Ground Pollution Due to the TCDD Produced in the 1976 Chemical Accident at Seveso in the Heavily Contaminated Zone "A"
Draft Program for a May 1984 Symposium: Una Rissposta Tecnologica ad un Incidente Tecnologico
Manuscript: Alvin Young's Notes regarding the 1983 visit of Italian scientists to the United States
Photographs: Meeting of Veterans Administration's Advisory Committee on Health-Related Effects of Herbicides, September 1983
Transcript: A Neutral Clean-Up Procedure Combined with a High Resolution GC-MS technique for the Detection of the 2,3,7,8-TCDD in Various Vegetal Tissues, [1983]
Birth Defects in the TCDD Polluted Area of Seveso: Results of a Four-Year Follow-Up
Typescript: Progetto di Ricerca "Assorbimento, traslocazione ed eliminazione della TCDD nei vegetali superiori." [Absorption, Transfer, and Elimination of TCDD Under Vegetation]