Browse Items: 181

Family Food Consumption and Dietary Levels: Five Regions

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Food-consumption patterns of different population groups are of interest not only to families wishing to improve their levels of living and to persons engaged in the production and marketing of food materials, but to all that are concerned with the Nation's broad social and economic problems. Diet can play an important role in the conservation of…

Diets to Fit the Family Income

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Family diets may vary considerably in cost and still be satisfactory for good nutrition. They may vary, too, in the type and the quality of foods they contain and still be desirable, provided the assortment is wisely selected. A good diet depends not so much on the amount of money it costs as on the nutritive value of the different foods selected…

Are We Well Fed?: A Report on the Diets of Families in the United States

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The nutritive quality of diets in the United States varies greatly. This is shown by an analysis of family food supplies recently made by the United States Department of Agriculture.

The analysis was based chiefly on facts collected by the Departments of Agriculture and Labor in 1936-37 as part of a…

General Instructions for Preparing Correspondence in the Bureau of Home Economics

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The Bureau of Home Economics and its personnel are often judged by the character of the letters written. Careful attention should be given to letters, even though they are only routine or form letters. The tone should be cordial and sincere, and the style should be conversational but dignified. Both excessive intimacy and formal stiffness should be…

Hazel Katherine Stiebeling (1896-1989)

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Hazel Katherine Stiebeling (1896-1989) was a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutritionist who helped to develop the daily allowance standards. In 1945, Stiebeling succeeded Louise Stanley as chief of the USDA Bureau of Home Economics. In 1959 she was the first woman to receive the Distinguished Service Medal given to federal employees.

Expansible Farmhouse: Masonry

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Two persons can live comfortably in the basic unit of this concrete masonry house. As the family grows, two bedrooms can be added with only minor changes to the original structure.

The house has cinder-block walk, a concrete-slab floor, and a trussed roof which permits flexibility oi interior arrangement. In mild or warm climates the interior…

Expansible Farmhouse: Frame

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This house grows with the family. The basic unit is adequate for 2 persons, and 2 bedrooms can be added as need arises with only minor changes to the original structure.

This house is economical to build. It has wood-framed walls covered on the outside with 4- by 8-foot sheets of cement asbestos board, and on the inside with gypsum board. The…

Children's Body Measurements for Sizing Garments and Patterns: A Proposed Standard System Based on Height and Girth of Hips

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Need for Scientific Measurements

The rapid growth of the pattern and ready-to- wear industry in the United States has brought with it many difficulties in the proper sizing of garments and patterns, especially those manufactured for women and children. Any satisfactory American sizing system must be based on dimensions obtained by measuring…

A Step-Saving Kitchen: Final Script Production Number 1045

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Demonstrating a U-shaped kitchen developed by the housing staff of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics

Design for Children's Clothing

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Convenient Kitchens

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First, last, and all the time, in planning and equipping a kitchen, think about the work to be done in it.

If building or remodeling a kitchen, make it oblong and with no more floor space than actually needed. A kitchen is a workroom. Spaciousness is paid for in miles of extra steps.

Study the relation of…

Instructions for Study of Use of Time by Homemakers

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Record each activity as soon as possible after it is performed, using a sharp pencil. Account for the entire 24 hours. The time need not be entered to the exact minute. The nearest 5 minutes is accurate enough. For example, 9:12 should be entered as 9:20. No entries should be made for less than 5 minutes. Activities taking less than 5 minutes…

Present Clothing Habits and Problems of the Consumer

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This study was first made in 1924 by Miss Marian Tucker, chairman of the Extension Committee of the Textile Section of the American Home Economics Association. The schedule for collecting the facts has been revised and expanded in an effort to study the habits and problems of all women in regard to planning, buying, making, and caring for the…

Hat Economy

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Many hats, faded, out of shape and out of fashion can be renovated if they are not torn or broken. The first thing to do is to look them over carefully and study their possibilities, at the same time examining pictures of the season's hats in reliable, current fashion books. From such sources it is possible to get a variety of ideas as to correct…

Farm Family Living Outlook for 1938

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The clothing budget deserves especially careful consideration this coming year. The homemaker will have to use skill to balance her purchases of garments for which prices are lower against purchases of those for which prices have increased.

Cotton yard goods, sheets, and pillowcases probably will…

Home Demonstration Agents

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View full record for details.

How To Choose and Use Your Refrigerator

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When you buy a refrigerator — whether it is run by electricity, gas, or kerosene or cooled with ice — you'll want to be sure you are getting one that will hold safe refrigerating temperatures, operate efficiently, and last for many years. You'll want also to consider the features that make a refrigerator easy to use and adaptable to the special…

How To Choose and Use Your Washing Machine

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When you look for a new washing machine, you'll find on the market many makes and models, at a wide range in price. They differ in design and appearance, in quality of materials and workman slap, in timesaving and labor-saving features. Your problem is to choose the washer that best meets your needs. This publication points out some of the things…

Posture in Housework

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Using your body correctly helps you to get your work done more efficiently. Industrial engineers and others have found this to be true in the factory as well as in the home.

Good posture in housework will help you to —
1. Eliminate fatigue.
2. Improve your looks.
3. Get rid of nervous tensions and irritability.

You can attain good…

Clean Walls, Ceilings, and Woodwork--For a Clean House

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Collect Cleaning Tools and Supplies

• Broom
• Cloth to cover the broom
• Two buckets of warm water — one for washing, one for rinsing
• Soap or detergent
• Scouring powder
• Clean cloths for washing, rinsing, and drying
• A stepladder or a strong chair (a stepladder is safer)

Get Ready for the Job

Place buckets of water on…