Browse Items: 181

Many Hands Make Housework Light

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• Do all family members WANT a clean house?
• Do they help keep the house clean?
• Do you have to do all the cleaning yourself?


• Talk it over together. Help your family make a plan.
• A plan made by the family helps you all work together. It shows how much work there is to do. It…

What to Use to Clean Your House

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You will need:
• Hot water
• Buckets
• Soap or detergent
• Scouring powder
• Soda
• Vinegar
• A broom
• Scrub mop
• Cloths or rags

Clean Floors--For a Clean House

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Collect Tools

• Broom
• Mop--string or sponge
• Detergent or soap
• A bucket for sudsy water
• A bucket for rinse water
• Scouring powder if needed

Clean Windows, Mirrors, and Other Glass--For a Clean House

Clean Windows, Mirrors, and Other Glass--For a Clean House Cover.jpg

Collect All Tools and Supplies Needed

• Clean cloths for washing, drying, and shining
• Newspaper or paper towels
• Vinegar, ammonia, soap or detergent
• Bucket of warm water
• Whiskbroom or a brush
• A stepladder, step-stool, or sturdy chair (a stepladder is safer)

A Clean Bathroom--For a Clean House

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Everyone in the family can help keep the bathroom clean. Each should:

• Turn off faucets.
• Rinse out the sink.
• Hang up towels and washcloths.
• Wash out the bathtub after use.
• Flush the toilet after each use.
• Never put any kind of paper but toilet paper in the toilet.

Clean Dishes--For a Clean House

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Why Wash Dishes?

• Clean dishes are a part of a clean house.
• Clean dishes help keep your family healthy.
• Dirty dishes carry germs.
• Food looks better on clean dishes.
• Food tastes better when served from clean dishes.

A Clean House is Important

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A clean house:

• makes you feel good.
• makes the family feel good.
• helps keep the family healthy.
• makes you proud of your home.
• helps things last longer.
• sets a good example for children.
• helps the neighbors have more respect for you.
• is enjoyed by children and their friends.

Basting Turkeys

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View full record for details.

Elderly woman sitting at a small table sewing

Elderly woman sitting at a small table sewing.gif
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Woman cooking in a kitchen

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When To Do House Cleaning Jobs

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• Some cleaning jobs need to be done every day.
• Some need to be done once every week,
• Others need to be done only now and then.

Does cleaning wear you out? You may be doing it the hard way!

• Don't try to do too many jobs in one day.
• Look for tools and ways to work that make…

Dresses and Aprons for Work in the Home

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A well-designed, well-made house dress can give a real lift to homemaking jobs. A poorly designed dress or apron, on the other hand — one that restricts when you reach or bend, that twists or gets in your way as you stoop or climb — can be as fatiguing as a poorly planned kitchen.

On the following pages are dresses and aprons designed by the…

A Step-Saving U Kitchen

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Maximum convenience for the homemaker at her work is the aim of this step-saving kitchen, planned primarily for the farm home. It was designed in housing and household equipment laboratories of the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics.

Basic plan, — The unbroken U shape was chosen for arranging equipment because it forms a compact…

Federal Legislation, Regulations, and Rulings Affecting Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics

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Legislation concerning land-grant colleges
First Morrill Act
Amendment of first Morrill Act
Second Morrill Act
Source of funds
Nelson amendment

Legislation authorizing cooperative extension work
Smith-Lever Act
Capper-Ketcham Act
Hawaii Act
Alaska Act of 1029
Alaska Act of 1936
Puerto Rico Act

Home Demonstration Work

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There are over 6,000,000 farm homes in the United States. The women and girls who so largely influence the family life in these homes are endeavoring to develop efficiency in their home-making duties and to find satisfaction for themselves and their families in rural life.

To aid them in this effort, home demonstration work, a Nation-wide…

The United States Department of Agriculture: Its Structure and Function

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In a general policy of conservation and maximum development of the natural resources of the soil and the forests, an important phase is to determine how the resources, when converted into products for use, can best serve people and contribute to human welfare. That is an important function of the Bureau of Home Economics in relation to the whole…