Subseries I.3 (1950-1956)
Scope and Content Note
The third subseries documents the period between 1949 and 1956, including activities surrounding the Korean War and the first term of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Materials include correspondence, reports, clippings (including sections the Federal Register and the Congressional Record), press releases and speeches, reports of interviews, and memoranda.
Sections I and II of the outline for subseries 3 are essentially identical to the first two sections in the outline for subseries 2, and are intended to review the conditions in agriculture in the prewar and World War II period. However, very little is filed in these sections; in fact, nothing at all was found in Section II. Researchers should consult the corresponding sections of Series I, subseries 2 for information on these topics.
Section III documents USDA production policies, including production goals for the Korean war years. There is material on land use policies, acreage and marketing controls, agricultural labor, farm equipment and other materials (like fertilizer and seed), and the conservation of natural resources. Relief programs for drought are also covered.
Price programs and policies of the USDA are covered in Section IV, with materials on issues such as price support and price control, the Brannan Farm Plan, surplus disposal, parity, subsidies, and other methods of regulating agricultural prices.
Section V deals with commodities, organized by type. In the sections on food commodities there are large sections on meats, dairy products, fats and oils, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and grains; non-food products covered include fibers such as cotton and wool, tobacco, rubber, and lumber.
Of note in the food commodities section are seven folders dealing with the Agricultural Act of 1954, which established price supports for basic commodities. These materials were filed under the Milk category (V A2a) since a clause in this legislation authorized an expansion in the school lunch milk program. These folders include correspondence from corporations, government officials, and individuals, to the USDA generally or to Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson, with recommendations and plans for carrying out the legislation.
Distribution is the subject of Section VI, including information on nutrition research, shortages and surpluses, marketing research, and aspects of agriculture-related industry such as packaging and processing, regulation, rationing, inspection, labeling and grading. Section VII covers the international aspects of agriculture. This section has materials on export/import programs, commodity agreements, international organizations like the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Food Council, and programs with specific countries and regions. See folder titles for a complete list of the regions and countries covered.
Section VIII documents changes in farm life, with materials on rural education, housing, and the rural standard of living.
Section IX is a large section dealing with the administration of the USDA, especially as affected by the two major events of this time: the Korean War, and the departmental reorganization resulting from the Hoover Commission. There is information on presidential executive orders relating to the Department; the Defense Production Act of 1950; and personnel matters. Significant volumes of materials on Secretaries Charles F. Brannan and Ezra Taft Benson, and their assistants, are included; along with sections of materials on agencies of the department, such as the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, the Rural Electrification Administration, the Agricultural Research Administration, and the Production and Marketing Administration. Also covered are activities in relation to other entities such as states and counties, other departments in the Executive Branch, Congress, and outside groups with an interest in agriculture.
Section X deals with technical advances in agricultural production and processing, while Section XI relates to special studies performed by the USDA, and Congressional hearings.
Container List
- Section I: Background--conditions pre-WWII to Pearl Harbor
- Section III: Policies to achieve production
- Section IV: Integration of production and price policies
- Section V: Commodities
- Section VI: Distribution of products
- Section VII: International aspects
- Section VIII: Changes in farm life
- Section IX: USDA Administration
- Section X: Technological invention and acceleration
- Section XI: Recommendations & special studies
Box 1.3/1
Outline: "The U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1949-1956."
- I A. Inter-war agricultural distress and the measures to combat it. 1954
- I A1. The American agricultural situation in its world setting. 1950
- I A2.
- I A2a. Production and markets. 1950, 1957
- I A2a(3) The early Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA). 1954, 1965
- I A2a(4) The soil conservation and ever-normal granary supplementary objectives. 1949
- I A2a(5) Consumer and nutrition objectives. 1956
- I A2b. Credit facilities. 1949
- I A2c. Rural social adjustment, clippings. 1949-1951
- I A2d. Anticipation of changed world setting. 1950
[ Note: Section II not used.]
III. Policies to achieve production. 1949-1955
- III A. Land use policies. 1949-1952
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1949
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1950
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1951-1952
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1953
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1954
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. January-May 1955
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. June-December 1955
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls. 1956
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls, clippings. 1949-1950
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls, clippings. 1951-1952
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls, clippings. 1953
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls, clippings. 1954
- III A1. Acreage and marketing controls, clippings. 1955-1956
- III A2. Adjustment of USDA program to effect shifts in production. 1949-1951
- III A3. Manipulation of credit facilities to effect shifts in production. 1951
- III A4. Production goals. 1952-1953
- III A4. Production goals, Capacity. 1951
- III A4. Production goals, Capacity. June 1951-1952
- III A4a. 1949-1950 production goals. 1948-1950
- III A4b. 1950-1951 production goals. 1950-1951
- III A4b. 1950-1951 production goals, clippings. 1950-1951
- III A4c. 1951-1952 production goals. 1950-1951
- III A4c. 1951-1952 production goals, clippings. 1951
- III A4d. 1952-1953 production goals. 1951-1952
- III A4d. 1952-1953 production goals, clippings. 1951-1952
Box 1.3/2
- III A4e. 1953-1954 production goals. 1953-1954
- III A4f. 1954-1955 production goals. 1953-1955
- III A4g. 1955-1956 production goals. 1956
- III A5. Changes in farm sizes and organization, Family farm. 1949-1952
- III A5. Changes in farm sizes and organization, Family farm. 1953-1963
- III A5. Changes in farm sizes and organization, Family farm, clippings. 1949-1956
- III A6. Special programs for low-income farmers. 1949-January 1955
- III A6. Special programs for low-income farmers. April 1955-1956
- III A6. Special programs for low-income farmers, clippings. 1949-1956
- III A7. Tenure. 1951-1952
- III A8. Credit. 1951-1956
- III A8. Credit, clippings. 1953-1956
- III B. Agricultural labor. 1951-1957
- III B. Agricultural labor, clippings. 1949-1956
- III B1. Agricultural labor, Policies. 1949-1955
- III B1. Agricultural labor, Policies, clippings. 1948-1953
- III B1a. Securing adequate wages. 1950-1956
- III B1a. Securing adequate wages, clippings. 1949-1956
- III B1a(1) Minimum Wage Boards. 1952-1956
- III B1a(1) Minimum Wage Boards, clippings. 1950-1955
- III B1a(2) Wage stabilization. 1951
- III B1a(2) Wage stabilization, clippings. 1951-1956
- III B1b. Securing improved housing for migrant workers. 1949-1952
- III B1c. Agricultural labor, draft policy. 1948-1953
- III B1c. Agricultural labor, draft policy, clippings. 1950-1953
- III B1d. Foreign labor. 1950-1954
- III B1d. Foreign labor, clippings. 1949-1956
- III B1d(1) Foreign labor, Mexican. 1949-1956
- III B1d(1) Foreign labor, Mexican, clippings. 1949-July 1953
- III B1d(1) Foreign labor, Mexican, clippings. August 1953-1956
- III B1e. Movement of migrant laborers. 1950-1956
- III B1e. Movement of migrant laborers, clippings. 1949-1955
- III B1f. Planned removal of labor from submarginal areas to areas of high productivity. 1950-1952
- III B1f(1) Training of labor. 1951-1952
- III B1g. Mobilization of local labor. 1950-1951
- III B2. Agricultural labor, agencies. 1950-1954
- III B2a. Labor agencies within USDA. 1950-1952
- III B2b. Labor agencies outside USDA. 1950-1953
- III B2b. Labor agencies outside USDA, clippings. 1949-1951
- III C. Farm equipment and machinery. 1950-1956
- III C. Farm equipment and machinery, "Mechanical harvesting of cotton in North Carolina." 1950
- III C. Farm equipment and machinery, clippings. 1949-1956
Box 1.3/3
- III C1. Farm equipment and machinery, Policy. 1951-1955
- III C2. Farm equipment and policy, Agencies. 1951-1952
- III D. Materials for farm production. 1949-1956
- III D. Materials for farm production, clippings. 1950-1956
- III D1. Fertilizers. 1949-July 1951
- III D1. Fertilizers. August 1951-February 1952
- III D1. Fertilizers. March 1952-1956
- III D1. Fertilizers, clippings. 1949-1956
- III D2. Insecticides and other chemicals. 1949-1956
- III D2. Insecticides and other chemicals, clippings. 1949-1956
- III D3. Bagging materials. 1949-1952
- III D4. Feed. 1949-1956
- III D4. Feed, clippings. 1949-1956
- III D4a. Grain sorghum. 1949-1956
- III D4a. Grain sorghum, clippings. 1949-1955
- III D4b. Grass and hay. 1949-1956
- III D4b. Grass and hay, clippings. 1949-1953
- III D4c. Grains for feed. 1950-1956
- III D4c. Grains for feed, clippings. 1950-1956
- III D4d. Oilseed meals. 1952
- III D5. Seed. 1949-1956
- III D5. Seed, clippings. 1949-1956
- III D6. Weed control. 1949-1956
- III D7. Fuel and energy. 1951-1952
- III D8. Construction other than housing. 1951-1954
- III E. Encouraging home production and preservation of foods. 1951-1953
- III E1. Home gardens. 1949-1952
- III F. Conservation of natural resources. 1950-1956
- III F. Conservation of natural resources, clippings. 1949-1956
- III F1. Conservation, Forest. 1949-1956
- III F1. Conservation, Forest, clippings. 1949-1956
- III F2. Conservation, Land. 1949-1950
- III F2. Conservation, Land. 1951-1956
- III F2. Conservation, Land, clippings. 1949-1956
- III F3. Conservation, Water and flood control. 1949-1956
- III F3. Conservation, Water and flood control, clippings. 1949-1956
Box 1.3/4
- III F4. River valley authorities and proposals. 1949-1952
- III F4. River valley authorities and proposals, clippings. 1949-1956
- III F5. Great Plains program. 1953-1956
- III F5. Great Plains program, clippings. 1956
- III G. Special relief programs. 1953-1956
- III G. Special relief programs, clippings. 1953-1956
- III G1. Relief programs, Drought. 1953-May 1954
- III G1. Relief programs, Drought. July 1954-1956
- III G1. Relief programs, Drought, clippings. June-August 1953
- III G1. Relief programs, Drought, clippings. September 1953-1956
IV. USDA Programs and Price Policies. 1949, 1953
- IV. USDA Programs and Price Policies, "A new look at farm policy." 1955
- IV. USDA Programs and Price Policies, "USDA Mobilization Programs--Authority and Funds." 1953
- IV A. Price programs of USDA. 1949-1956, 1987
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-July 1949
- IV A1. Price-support programs. August-December 1949
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-May 1950
- IV A1. Price-support programs. June-December 1950
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-June 1951
- IV A1. Price-support programs. July-December 1951
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-April 1952
- IV A1. Price-support programs. May-June 1952
- IV A1. Price-support programs. July-December 1952
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-March 1953
- IV A1. Price-support programs. April-June 1953
Box 1.3/5
- IV A1. Price-support programs. July-September 1953
- IV A1. Price-support programs. October 1953-January 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs. February 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs. March-April 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs. May-June 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs. July-December 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-March 1955
- IV A1. Price-support programs. April-July 1955
- IV A1. Price-support programs. August-December 1955
- IV A1. Price-support programs. January-March 1956
- IV A1. Price-support programs. April-August 1956
- IV A1. Price-support programs. September-December 1956
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. January-July 1949
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. August-December 1949
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. January-March 1950
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. April-December 1950
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. 1951
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. 1952
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. January-March 1953
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. April-July 1953
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. August-December 1953
Box 1.3/6
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. January-February 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. March-April 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. May-June 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. July-December 1954
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. January-August 1955
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. September-December 1955
- IV A1. Price-support programs, clippings. 1956
- IV A1a. Legislative background (Congressional proposals). 1949-1956
- IV A1a. Legislative background (Congressional proposals), clippings. 1949
- IV A1a. Legislative background (Congressional proposals), clippings. 1950-1951
- IV A1a. Legislative background (Congressional proposals), clippings. 1952-August 6, 1954
- IV A1a. Legislative background (Congressional proposals), clippings. August 7, 1954-1955
- IV A1b. Methods of price support. 1950-1956
- IV A1b. Methods of price support, clippings. 1949-1953
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan). January-April 1949, n.d.
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan). May-August 1949
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan). October 1949-March 1950
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan). April 1950-1956, 1973-1977
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan), clippings. April-June 1949
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan), clippings. July-December 1949.
- IV A2. Related price-income production programs (Brannan Farm Plan), clippings. 1950-1956.
Box 1.3/7
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal. 1950-1954
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal. 1955-1956
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal, clippings. 1953
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal, clippings. January-May 1954
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal, clippings. June-December 1954
- IV A3. Plans for surplus disposal, clippings. 1955-1956
- IV A4. Costs of price support and other USDA programs. 1950-1956
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals. 1949-1955
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals. 1956
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals, clippings. 1953-1955
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals, clippings. January-February 1956
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals, clippings. March 1-12, 1956
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals, clippings. March 13-31, 1956
- IV A5. Price support programs and proposals, clippings. April-July 1956
- IV A5a. Price support programs, Congressional. 1954-1956
- IV A5a. Price support programs, Congressional, clippings. 1954-1955
- IV A5a. Price support programs, Congressional, clippings. 1956
- IV A5b. Land rental proposals. January-March 1956
Box 1.3/8
- IV A5b. Land rental proposals. April-June 1956
- IV A5b. Land rental proposals. July-December 1956
- IV A5b. Land rental proposals, clippings. January-June 1956
- IV A5b. Land rental proposals, clippings. July-December 1956
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs. 1949-June 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs. July 1951-1956
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. 1949-January 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. February-April 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. May 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. June-August 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. September-December 1951
- IV B. Price control proposals and programs, clippings. 1952-1955
- IV B1. Price control proposals and programs, Proposals. 1951-1953
- IV B1. Price control proposals and programs, Proposals, clippings. 1951-1953
- IV B2. Price control proposals, Orders and regulations. 1951-1953
- IV B2. Price control proposals, Orders and regulations, clippings. 1951-March 1952
- IV B2. Price control proposals, Orders and regulations, clippings. April-July 1952
- IV B2. Price control proposals, Orders and regulations, clippings. August 1952-1954
Box 1.3/9
- IV C. Parity in relation to price programs. 1949-1951, n.d.
- IV C. Parity in relation to price programs. 1952-1957
- IV C. Parity in relation to price programs, clippings. 1949-June 1952
- IV C. Parity in relation to price programs, clippings. July 1952-1956
- IV C. Parity studies, general. 1941-1943
- IV C. Parity studies, general. 1947-1956
- IV C. Parity studies, general. 1952-1956
- IV C. Parity studies, calculation. 1941-1954
- IV C. Parity studies, formulas. 1957
- IV C. Parity studies, legislation. ca. 1938-1957
- IV C1. Revisions of parity. 1949-1955
- IV C1. Revisions of parity, clippings. 1949-1956
- IV D. Relationship of agencies within the National Executive. 1949-1953
- IV E. Pressures to increase prices of agricultural products. 1955
- IV E. Pressures to increase prices of agricultural products, clippings. 1949-1951
- IV F. Subsidies. 1949-1955
- IV F. Subsidies, clippings. 1949-1956
- IV F1. Subsidies, Types. 1949-1955
- IV F1a. Incentive payment to farmers. 1949, 1953
- IV F1a. Incentive payment to farmers, clippings. 1951-1955
- IV F1b. Government buying and reselling at a loss. 1949-1950
- IV F1b. Government buying and reselling at a loss, clippings. 1953-1955
- IV F2. Opposition to subsidies. 1951-1954
- IV F3. Positions of USDA on subsidies. 1949
- IV G. Land inflation. 1949-1951
- IV H. Evaluation of success and problems of price programs market. 1951-1956
- IV H. Evaluation of success and problems of price programs market, clippings. 1949-1952
- IV I. Changes in price levels (marketing costs). 1949-1953
- IV I. Changes in price levels (marketing costs). 1954-1956
- IV I. Changes in price levels (marketing costs), clippings. 1949-1951
- IV I. Changes in price levels (marketing costs), clippings. 1952-1956
- V A. Food commodities. 1950-1953
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1949-1950
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1951
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1952
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1953
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1954-1955
- V A1. Livestock and meat. 1956
- V A1. Livestock and meat, clippings. 1949-1952
- V A1. Livestock and meat, clippings. 1951-1955
- V A1. Livestock and meat, clippings. 1953-1956
Box 1.3/10
- V A1a. Hogs. 1949-1955
- V A1a. Hogs. 1956
- V A1a. Hogs, clippings. 1949-1950
- V A1a. Hogs, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A1a. Hogs, clippings. 1951-1954
- V A1b. Beef. 1949-1952
- V A1b. Beef. 1953-1956
- V A1b. Beef, clippings. 1951-1953
- V A1c. Fish. 1950-1956
- V A1c. Fish, clippings. 1956
- V A1d. Lamb and mutton. 1949-1951
- V A1d. Lamb and mutton, clippings. 1951-1952
- V A2. Dairy. 1949-1952
- V A2. Dairy. 1953
- V A2. Dairy. 1954
- V A2. Dairy. 1955
- V A2. Dairy. 1956
- V A2. Dairy, clippings. 1949-1953
- V A2. Dairy, clippings. 1950-1956
- V A2. Dairy, clippings. 1954-1956
- V A2a. Milk. 1949-1952
- V A2a. Milk. 1953-1954
- V A2a. Milk. 1955-1956
- V A2a. Milk, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A2a. Milk, clippings. 1952-1956
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. 1953
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. January-October 1954
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. November 1-14, 1954
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. November 15, 1954
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. November 16-30, 1954
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. December 1954
- V A2a. Milk, Agricultural Act of 1954. 1955
- V A2b. Butter. 1949-1956
- V A2b. Butter, clippings. 1949-1953
- V A2b. Butter, clippings. 1952-1956
Box 1.3/11
- V A2c. Cheese. 1949-1956
- V A2c. Cheese, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3. Fats and oils. 1949-1951
- V A3. Fats and oils. 1952-1956
- V A3. Fats and oils, clippings. 1949
- V A3. Fats and oils, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3a. Soybeans. 1949-1956
- V A3a. Soybeans, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3b. Peanuts. 1949-1952
- V A3b. Peanuts. 1953-1956
- V A3b. Peanuts, clippings. 1949-1955
- V A3b. Peanuts, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3c. Flaxseed. 1949-1955
- V A3c. Flaxseed, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3d. Cottonseed. 1949-1952
- V A3d. Cottonseed. 1953
- V A3d. Cottonseed. 1956
- V A3d. Cottonseed, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A3e. Castor. 1951-1956
- V A3e. Castor, clippings. 1951-1954
- V A3f. Lard. 1950-1956
- V A3f. Lard, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A3g. Tallow. 1956
- V A3g. Tallow, clippings. 1951
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1949
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1950
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1951
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1952
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1953
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1954
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables. 1955-1956
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A4. Fruits and vegetables, clippings. 1955-1956
- V A4a. Potatoes. 1949-1951
- V A4a. Potatoes. 1952-1954
- V A4a. Potatoes. 1955-1956
- V A4a. Potatoes, clippings. 1949
- V A4a. Potatoes, clippings. January-February 1950
Box 1.3/12
- V A4a. Potatoes, clippings. March-December 1950
- V A4a. Potatoes, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A5. Poultry products. 1949-1952
- V A5. Poultry products. 1953-1956
- V A5. Poultry products, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A5a. Chickens. 1949-1956
- V A5a. Chickens, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A5b. Eggs. 1949-1956
- V A5b. Eggs, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A6. Sugar. 1947-1952
- V A6. Sugar. 1953-1956
- V A6. Sugar, clippings. 1949-1951
- V A6. Sugar, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A6. Sugar, clippings. 1952-1956
- V A6. Sugar, clippings. 1955-1956
- V A7. Grain. 1949-1950
- V A7. Grain. 1951-1952
- V A7. Grain. 1953-1954
- V A7. Grain. 1955-1957
- V A7. Grain, clippings. 1949-1951
- V A7. Grain, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A7. Grain, clippings. 1952-1956
- V A7a. Wheat. 1949
- V A7a. Wheat. 1950-1951
- V A7a. Wheat. 1952-1953
- V A7a. Wheat. 1954-1955
- V A7a. Wheat. 1956-1957
- V A7a. Wheat, clippings. 1949-1950
Box 1.3/13
- V A7a. Wheat, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A7a. Wheat, clippings. 1951-1953
- V A7a. Wheat, clippings. 1954-1956
- V A7a. Wheat, clippings. 1955-1956
- V A7a(1) Flour. 1951-1956
- V A7a(1) Flour, clippings. 1949-1950
- V A7b. Corn. 1949-1953
- V A7b. Corn. 1954-1956
- V A7b. Corn, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A7b. Corn, clippings. 1955-1956
- V A7c. Rice. 1949-1954
- V A7c. Rice. 1955-1956
- V A7c. Rice, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A8. Miscellaneous food products. 1949-1951
- V A8a. General. 1949-1952
- V A8a(1) Chicory and coffee. 1949-1954
- V A8a(1) Chicory and coffee, clippings. 1949-1954
- V A8a(2) Hops, malted grains, malt syrups. 1949-1952
- V A8a(3) Cocoa beans. 1950-1952
- V A8a(4) Honey and molasses. 1952-1956
- V A8a(4) Honey and molasses, clippings. 1954-1956
- V A8a(5) Nuts. 1949-1956
- V A8a(5) Nuts, clippings. 1949-1956
- V A8b(1) Tea. 1951
- V A8b(2) Spices. 1950-1952
- V A9. Food for industrial use. 1950-1952
- V B. Non-food commodities. 1950-1954
- V B1. Fibers. 1949-1956
- V B1. Fibers, clippings. 1950-1952
- V B1a. Cotton. 1949-July 1950
- V B1a. Cotton. August 1950-1951
- V B1a. Cotton. 1952-1953
- V B1a. Cotton. 1954-1955
- V B1a. Cotton. 1956
Box 1.3/14
- V B1a. Cotton, clippings. 1949-1950
- V B1a. Cotton, clippings. 1951-1953
- V B1a. Cotton, clippings. 1954-July 1955
- V B1a. Cotton, clippings. August 1955-1956
- V B1a(1) Upland cotton. 1952-1956
- V B1a(1) Upland cotton, clippings. 1954-1956
- V B1a(2) American-Egyptian, long-staple cotton. 1949-1956
- V B1a(2) American-Egyptian, long-staple cotton, clippings. 1952-1956
- V B1b. Flax. 1949-1952
- V B1b. Flax, clippings. 1949-1953
- V B1c. Hemp. 1949-1950
- V B1d. Wool. 1949-April 1953
- V B1d. Wool. May 1953-1956
- V B1d. Wool, clippings. 1949-1953
- V B1d. Wool, clippings. 1954-1956
- V B1e. Mohair. 1952-1956
- V B1e. Mohair, clippings. 1953-1955
- V B1f. Kenaf. 1949-1956
- V B1f. Kenaf, clippings. 1951-1952
- V B1g. Sanseviera. 1951-1952
- V B2. Rubber. 1949-1956
- V B2. Rubber, clippings. 1949-1956
- V B3. Industrial alcohol. 1949-1950
- V B3. Industrial alcohol, clippings. 1950-1951
- V B4. Tobacco. 1949-1952
- V B4. Tobacco. 1953-October 1955
- V B4. Tobacco. November 1955-1956
- V B4. Tobacco, clippings. 1949-1954
- V B4. Tobacco, clippings. 1955-1956
- V B5. Rosin and resin (naval stores) 1949-1956
- V B5. Rosin and resin (naval stores), clippings. 1950-1956
- V B6. Canaigre. 1951
- V B8. Lumber. 1950-1952
VI. Distribution of Products. 1954-1955
- VI A.
- VI A1. Calculating requirements for an allocation of food supplies. 1950-1952
- VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply. 1951
- VI A2. Nutritional standards and civilian supply, clippings. 1949-1951
- VI A2a. Nutrition research. 1949-1956
- VI A2a. Nutrition research, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI A2a(1) Factors in nutrition. 1949-1955
- VI A2a(2) Types of diets. 1951
- VI A2b. Civilian supply. 1951-1953
- VI A2b(1) Estimates of requirement. 1953
- VI A2b(2) Supplies available and development of shortages. 1950-1956
- VI A2b(2) Supplies available and development of shortages, clippings. 1949-1952
Box 1.3/15
- VI A2b(2)(a) Shortages. 1950-1952
- VI A2b(2)(a) Shortages, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI A2b(2)(b) Surpluses. 1949-1954
- VI A2b(2)(b) Surpluses. 1955-1956
- VI A2b(2)(b) Surpluses, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI A2b(2)(b) Surpluses, clippings. 1953-1956
- VI A2b(3) Free distribution to low-income groups (school lunch program). 1949-1953
- VI A2b(3) Free distribution to low-income groups (school lunch program). 1954-1955
- VI A2b(3) Free distribution to low-income groups (school lunch program). 1956
- VI A2b(3) Free distribution to low-income groups (school lunch program), clippings. 1950-1956
- VI A2c. Consumer education. 1951-1955
- VI A2d. Nutrition as a goal for USDA programs. 1949-1956
- VI A2d. Nutrition as a goal for USDA programs, clippings. 1949
- VI A3. Emergency economic control. 1950-1956
- VI A3. Emergency economic control, clippings. 1950
- VI A3. Emergency economic control, clippings. 1951-1955
- VI. B
- VI B1. Purchase and procurement. 1949-1953
- VI B1. Purchase and procurement, clippings. 1951-1952
- VI B1a. Purchase for foreign shipment. 1949-1951
- VI B1b. Purchase for price support. 1949-1956
- VI B1b. Purchase for price support, clippings. 1953-1956
- VI B2. Storage. 1949-1951
- VI B2. Storage. 1952-1956
- VI B2. Storage, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI B2. Storage, clippings. 1953-1956
- VI B3. Processing. 1951-1955
- VI B3. Processing, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI B3a. Packaging (including containers) 1949-1954
- VI B3a. Packaging (including containers), clippings. 1952-1954
- VI B3b. Processing. 1949-1952
- VI B4. Marketing. 1949-1954
- VI B4. Marketing. 1955-1956
Box 1.3/16
- VI B4. Marketing, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI B4a. Research, marketing and utilization. 1949-1950
- VI B4a. Research, marketing and utilization. 1951-1954
- VI B4a. Research, marketing and utilization. 1955-1956
- VI B4a. Research, marketing and utilization, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI B4a(1) Research and Marketing Act Projects. 1949
- VI B4a(1) Research and Marketing Act Projects. 1950
- VI B4a(1) Research and Marketing Act Projects. 1951-1956
- VI B4a(1) Research and Marketing Act Projects, clippings. 1950-1954
- VI B4a(1)(a) Marketing, Advisory committees. 1949-1952
- VI B4a(1)(a) Marketing, Advisory committees. 1953-1956
- VI B4a(1)(a) Marketing, Advisory committees, clippings. 1949-1953
- VI B4b. Marketing, Programs. 1949-1956
- VI B4b. Marketing, Programs, clippings. 1949-1955
- VI B4b(1) Marketing agreements. 1949-1956
- VI B4b(1) Marketing agreements, clippings. 1949-1955
- VI B5. Distribution controls. 1950-1954
- VI B5. Distribution controls, clippings. 1951-1956
- VI B5a. Distribution controls, Allocation. 1949-1955
- VI B5a. Distribution controls, Allocation, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI B5b. Distribution controls, Diversion. 1949-1956
- VI B5b. Distribution controls, Diversion, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI B5c. Distribution controls, Export control. 1949-1956
- VI B5c. Distribution controls, Export control, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI B5d. Distribution controls, Priorities. 1950-1953
- VI B5d. Distribution controls, Priorities, clippings. 1950-1954
- VI B5e. Distribution controls, Defense food orders. 1951-1954
- VI B5e. Distribution controls, Defense food orders, clippings. 1951-1954
- VI B6. Rationing. 1950-1951
- VI B6. Rationing, clippings. 1949-1952
- VI B7. Industry regulations. 1949-1956
- VI B7. Industry regulations, clippings. 1949-1956
- VI B8. Conservation (farm scrap drive). 1949-1951
- VI B8. Conservation (farm scrap drive), clippings. 1951
- VI B9. Food promotion campaigns. 1950-1956
- VI B9. Food promotion campaigns, clippings. 1950-1956
- VI B10. Stocks and stockpiling. 1950-1956
- VI B10. Stocks and stockpiling, clippings. 1950-1956
- VI B11. Transportation. 1949-1956
- VI B11. Transportation, clippings. 1951-1956
- VI B12. Grading, inspecting and labeling. 1949-1956
- VI B12. Grading, inspecting and labeling, clippings. 1949-1955
- VI B12a. Meat inspection. 1949-1956
- VI B13. Sales by government agencies. 1950-1954 <
Box 1.3/17
- VI B13. Sales by government agencies. 1955-1956
- VI B13. Sales by government agencies, clippings. 1952-1956
- VI B14. Tax amortization. 1950-1952
- VI B14. Tax amortization, clippings. 1955
- VI B15. Loans under Defense Production Act. 1950-1952
VII. International Aspects of Food and Agriculture. 1949-1956
- VII. International Aspects of Food and Agriculture, clippings. 1951-1956
- VII A. International trade in agricultural commodities. 1949-1953
- VII A. International trade in agricultural commodities, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII A1. Foreign demand. 1949-1955
- VII A1. Foreign demand, clippings. 1949-1955
- VII A2. Commodity agreements. 1949-1956
- VII A2. Commodity agreements, clippings. 1949-1955
- VII A2a. Wheat agreement. 1949-1956
- VII A2a. Wheat agreement, clippings. 1949-1952
- VII A2a. Wheat agreement, clippings. 1953-1956
- VII A2b. Sugar agreement, clippings. 1953-1956
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1949-1950
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1951-1952
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1953
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1954
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1955
- VII A3. Export and import programs. 1956
- VII A3. Export and import programs, clippings. 1949-1952
- VII A3. Export and import programs, clippings. 1953-1954
- VII A3. Export and import programs, clippings. 1955-1956
- VII A3a. Export payments, August 1955. 1955-1956
- VII A3a. Export payments, August 1955, clippings. 1955-1956
Box 1.3/18
- VII A3b. Programs under P.L. 480. 1954-June 1956
- VII A3b. Programs under P.L. 480. July-December 1956
- VII A3b. Programs under P.L. 480, clippings. 1956
- VII A4. World food supply programs and relief programs. 1949-1956
- VII A4. World food supply programs and relief programs, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII B. International and U.S. efforts for economic reconstruction. 1949-1954
- VII B. International and U.S. efforts for economic reconstruction, clippings. 1949-1952
- VII B1. Plans and proposals. 1950-1953
- VII B1. Plans and proposals, clippings. 1949-1951
- VII B2. U.S. agencies, clippings. 1949-1950
- VII B2b. Economic Cooperation Administration. 1949-1956
- VII B2b. Economic Cooperation Administration, clippings. 1949-1953
- VII C. International cooperation. 1949-September 1956
- VII C. International cooperation. December 1956-March 1957
- VII C. International cooperation. June-December 1957
- VII C. International cooperation, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII C1. United Nations, other than Food and Agriculture Organization. 1949-1954
- VII C1. United Nations, other than Food and Agriculture Organization, clippings. 1949-1952
- VII C2. Food and Agriculture Organization. 1949-1950
- VII C2. Food and Agriculture Organization. 1951-1956
- VII C2. Food and Agriculture Organization, clippings. 1949-1952
- VII C2. Food and Agriculture Organization, clippings. 1953-1956
- VII C2a. International Emergency Food Committee. 1949
- VII C2b. World Food Council. 1949
- VII C3. Exchange of scientific information. 1949-1956
- VII C3. Exchange of scientific information, clippings. 1949-1954
- VII C4. International defense plans and organizations. 1951-1956
- VII C4. International defense plans and organizations, clippings. 1951
- VII D. Programs abroad and cooperation with particular countries (Point Four Program). 1949-1953
- VII D. Programs abroad and cooperation with particular countries (Point Four Program). 1954-1956
- VII D. Programs abroad and cooperation with particular countries (Point Four Program), clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D1. Africa. 1949-1958
- VII D1. Africa, clippings. 1949-1954
- VII D2. Asia. 1949-1957
- VII D2. Asia, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D2a. China. 1949-1953
- VII D2a. China, clippings. 1949-1951
- VII D2b. India. 1948-March 1952
- VII D2b. India. June 1952-1954
- VII D2b. India. 1955
- VII D2b. India. 1956
- VII D2b. India, clippings. 1949-1953
Box 1.3/19
- VII D2c. Japan. 1950-1956
- VII D2c. Japan, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D2d. Philippine Islands. 1945-1958
- VII D3. Australia and New Zealand. 1952
- VII D3. Australia and New Zealand, clippings. 1950-1954
- VII D4. Europe. 1950-1956
- VII D4. Europe, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D4a. France. 1950-1954
- VII D4b. Germany. 1953-1956
- VII D4b. Germany, clippings. 1949-1953
- VII D4c. Great Britain. 1950-1955
- VII D4c. Great Britain, clippings. 1949-1955
- VII D4d. Italy. 1950-1956
- VII D4d. Italy, clippings. 1949-1951
- VII D4e. Greece. 1948-1956
- VII D4f. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1955-1956
- VII D4f. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D4g. Yugoslavia. 1951-1956
- VII D4g. Yugoslavia, clippings. 1949-1953
- VII D5. North America. 1950-1952
- VII D5a. Canada. 1949-1956
- VII D5a. Canada, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D5b. Mexico. 1949-1954
- VII D5b. Mexico, clippings. 1949-1956
- VII D5b(1) Mexico, Foot-and-mouth disease control. 1949-1956
- VII D5b(1) Mexico, Foot-and-mouth disease control, clippings. 1949-1955
- VII D6. South and Central America. 1947
- VII D6. South and Central America. 1949-1951
- VII D6. South and Central America. 1952-1956
- VII D6. South and Central America, clippings. 1949-1954
- VII D6a. Caribbean. 1949-1955
- VII D6a. Caribbean, clippings. 1949-1953
VIII. Changes in Farm Life. 1949-1956
- VIII. Changes in Farm Life, clippings. 1949-1956
- VIII A. Standard of living. 1949-1956
- VIII A. Standard of living, clippings. 1949-1956
- VIII A1. Income. 1949-1954
- VIII A1. Income. 1955-1956
- VIII A1. Income, clippings. 1949-1956
- VIII A1a. Change by types of farming regions. 1949
- VIII A1b. Savings
- VIII A1c. Debt reduction. 1949-1950
- VIII A1d. Social Security and taxation, clippings. 1955-1956
- VIII A1e. Taxation. 1950-1956
- VIII A1e. Taxation, clippings. 1953-1956
- VIII A2. Housing. 1949-1956
- VIII A2. Housing, clippings. 1949-1956
- VIII A2a. Repairs to buildings and machinery. 1949-1951
- VIII A2a(1) Unavailability of durable goods. 1951
- VIII A2b. Housing construction. 1952
- VIII A3. Rural health. 1949-1952
- VIII B. Education. 1949-1955
Box 1.3/20
- VIII B. Education. 1956
- VIII B. Education, clippings. 1949-1955
- VIII C. Minority farm groups. 1949-1956
- VIII C. Minority farm groups, clippings. 1949-1950
- VIII D. Farmer attitudes and opinions. 1949-1955
- VIII D. Farmer attitudes and opinions, clippings. 1949-1956
IX. Administration of USDA. 1950
- IX. Administration of USDA. 1951-1958
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. 1949-1950
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. 1951-1952
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. January-arch 1953
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. April-December 1953
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. 1954-1955
- IX A. Presidential executive orders. 1956
- IX A. Presidential executive orders, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX A. Presidential executive orders, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX A. Presidential executive orders, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX A1. Defense Production Act. 1948-July 1950
- IX A1. Defense Production Act. 1951
- IX A1. Defense Production Act. 1952-1962
- IX A1. Defense Production Act, report. 1950
- IX A1. Defense Production Act, clippings. 1952
- IX A1. Defense Production Act, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX A1. Defense Production Act, clippings, "Congressional Record." 1952
Box 1.3/21
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. June-August 1950
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. September-October 1950
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. November-December 1950
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. January-March 1951
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. April-December 1951
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161. 1952
- IX A2. Executive Order 10161, clippings. 1950-1953
- IX B. Organization within the department. 1949-1955
- IX B1. Reorganizations. 1951-1953
- IX B1a. 1949 Reorganizations
- IX B1a(1) 1949 Reorganizations, Suggestions
- IX B1a(2) Hoover Commission. 1949-1952
- IX B1a(2) Hoover Commission, clippings. 1948-1951
- IX B1b. 1950 Reorganizations. 1950-1951
- IX B1b. 1950 Reorganizations, clippings. 1950
- IX B1c. 1951 Reorganizations. 1951
- IX B1c. 1951 Reorganizations, clippings. 1951
- IX B1d. 1952 Reorganizations. 1952
- IX B1d. 1952 Reorganizations, clippings. 1952
- IX B1e. 1953 Reorganizations. January-April 1953
- IX B1e. 1953 Reorganizations. May-December 1953
- IX B1e(1) 1953 Reorganizations, Suggestions. January-October 1953
- IX B1e(1) 1953 Reorganizations, Suggestions. October-December 1953
- IX B1e(1) 1953 Reorganizations, Suggestions, clippings. December 1952-May 1953
- IX B1e(1) 1953 Reorganizations, Suggestions, clippings. June 1953-May 1954
- IX B1e(3) Advisory Committee on Government Organization, clippings. 1953
- IX B1f. 1954 Reorganizations. 1954
- IX B1f. 1954 Reorganizations, clippings. 1954
- IX B1f(1) Hoover Commission. 1949-1954
- IX B1g. 1955 Reorganizations. 1955
- IX B1g(1) 1955 Reorganizations, Suggestions. 1955
- IX B1g(2) Hoover Commission, clippings. 1955
- IX B2. Changes in the Secretary's office and general staff of USDA. 1949-1953
- IX B2. Changes in the Secretary's office and general staff of USDA, clippings. 1948-1951
- IX B2a. Auxiliary Services. 1952-1956
- IX B2a(1) Solicitor. 1954-1955
- IX B2a(1) Solicitor, clippings. 1952-1954
- IX B2a(2) Finance and Budget. 1948-1954
- IX B2a(3) Information. 1953-1956
- IX B2a(3) Information, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. 1949
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. 1950
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. January-June 1951
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. July-December 1951
Box 1.3/22
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. 1952
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. 1953
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. 1954
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. January-June 1955
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. July-August 1955
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. January-May 1956
- IX B2a(4) Personnel. June 1956-1957, 1988
- IX B2a(4) Personnel, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX B2a(4) Personnel, clippings. 1951-1956
- IX B2a(4) Personnel, clippings. 1953-1954
- IX B2a(4) Personnel, clippings. 1955-1961, 1984
- IX B2a (5) Plant and operations. 1950-1956
- IX B2b. Relations between USDA agencies. 1949-1956
- IX B2b(1) Interbureau Committee. 1950-1956
- IX B2b(2) Administrative Council. 1953
- IX B2b(3) Policy and Program Committee. 1949-1951
- IX B2b(4) National Agricultural Mobilization Committee. 1950-1952
- IX B2b(5) Office of Hearing Examiners. 1953-1956
- IX B2c(1) Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations (OFAR). 1939, 1950-1953
- IX B2c(1) Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations, clippings. 1950-1953
- IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1950-1951
- IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1952
- IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1953
- IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). 1954-1987
- IX B2c(2) Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE), clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B2c(3) Extension Service. 1949-1953
- IX B2c(3) Extension Service. 1954-1983
- IX B2c(3) Extension Service, clippings. 1950-1953
- IX B2c(4) Office of Administrator of the Research and Marketing Act. 1949-1950
Box 1.3/23
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, general. 1949-1956, 1969
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Butz, Earl L. 1954-1956
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Coke, J. Earl. 1953
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Davis, John H. 1953-1954
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Hutchinson, Knox T. 1950-1952
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, McCormick, Clarence J. 1950-1951
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, McCormick, Clarence J. 1952
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, McLain, Marvin L. 1956
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Morse, True D. 1953
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Morse, True D. 1954
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Morse, True D. 1955
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Morse, True D. 1956
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, Peterson, Ervin L. 1955-1956
- IX B2d. The Secretary and Assistants, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. January-June 1949
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. July-December 1949
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. January-May 1950
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. June-August 1950
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. September-December 1950
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. January-March 1951
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. April-June 1951
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. July-December 1951
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. January-March 1952
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. April-May 1952
Box 1.3/24
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. June-December 1952
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F. 1953-1992
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F., clippings. 1949-1950
- IX B2d(1) Secretary Brannan, Charles F., clippings. 1951-1955
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. January-March 1953
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. April-September 1953
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. October-December 1953
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. January-February 1954
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. March-June 1954
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. July-August 1954
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. September-December 1954
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. January-February 1955
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. March-July 1955
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. August-December 1955
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. January-March 1956
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. April-June 1956
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. August-September 1956
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft. October-December 1956
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft, clippings. January 1950-June 1953
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft, clippings. July-December 1953
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft, clippings. 1954-1955
Box 1.3/25
- IX B2d(2) Secretary Benson, Ezra Taft, clippings. 1956, 1992
- IX B2d(2)(a) Assistant Secretary Butz, Earl L. 1949-1955
- IX B2d(2)(a) Assistant Secretary Butz, Earl L. 1956-1957
- IX B3. Action agencies of USDA. 1953
- IX B3. Action agencies of USDA, clippings. 1950-1952
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1949
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation, Report on financial conditions and operations. 1949
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1950
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1951
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation, Review of operations. 1951
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1952
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1953, 1964
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation, clippings. 1949-1951
- IX B3a. Commodity Credit Corporation, clippings. 1952-1954
- IX B3b. Rural Electrification Administration (REA). 1949-1950
- IX B3b. Rural Electrification Administration. January-June 1951
- IX B3b. Rural Electrification Administration. July 1951-1953
- IX B3b. Rural Electrification Administration, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B3b. Rural Electrification Administration, forms. 1949-1952
- IX B3c. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC). 1949-1956
- IX B3c. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B3d. Forest Service. 1949-1956
- IX B3d. Forest Service, clippings. 1950, 1953
- IX B3e. Commodity Exchange Administration. 1949-1953
- IX B3e. Commodity Exchange Administration, clippings. 1949-1951
- IX B3f. Extension Service. 1949-1964
- IX B3f. Extension Service, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B3g. Farmers Home Administration. 1949-1951
- IX B3g. Farmers Home Administration, clippings. 1949-1953
Box 1.3/26
- IX B3h. Farm Credit Administration. 1949-1953
- IX B3h. Farm Credit Administration, clippings. 1949-1954
- IX B3i. Soil Conservation Service. 1949-1955
- IX B3i. Soil Conservation Service, clippings. 1950-1954
- IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration (ARA), USDA research agencies. 1948-May 1950
- IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, USDA research agencies. June 1950-1951
- IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, USDA research agencies. 1952-1954
- IX B4. Agricultural Research Administration, USDA research agencies, clippings. 1950
- IX B4a. Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry. 1949-1953
- IX B4b. Agricultural Research Center. 1949-1956
- IX B4c. Bureau of Animal Industry. 1949-1953
- IX B4c. Bureau of Animal Industry, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B4d. Bureau of Dairy Industry. 1949-1952
- IX B4e. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. 1949-1953
- IX B4e. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B4f. Experiment Stations. 1949-1955
- IX B4g. Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics. 1949-1953, 1983
- IX B4h. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering. 1949-1953
- IX B4h. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering, clippings. 1949-1950
- IX B5. Production and Marketing Administration. 1949-1950
- IX B5. Production and Marketing Administration. 1951
- IX B5. Production and Marketing Administration. 1952-1953
- IX B5. Production and Marketing Administration, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX B5a. Production and Marketing Administration, Livestock Branch. 1949-1953
- IX B5b. Production and Marketing Administration, Dairy Branch. 1949-1953
- IX B5c. Production and Marketing Administration, Poultry Branch. 1951
- IX B5d. Production and Marketing Administration, Fats and Oils Branch. 1950-1952
- IX B5e. Production and Marketing Administration, Fruits and Vegetables Branch. 1949-1954
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch. 1949-1951
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports. 1948
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports. 1949
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports. 1950
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports. 1951
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports. 1952
- IX B5f. Production and Marketing Administration, Sugar Branch, Sugar Reports, Index. 1948-1952
- IX B5g. Production and Marketing Administration, Cotton Branch. 1949-1952
- IX B5g. Production and Marketing Administration, Cotton Branch, clippings. 1952-1953
- IX B5h. Production and Marketing Administration, Grain Branch. 1950-1953
- IX B5i. Production and Marketing Administration, Tobacco Branch. 1951
- IX B5k. Production and Marketing Administration, Agriculture Conservation Programs Branch. 1949-1953
- IX B5k. Production and Marketing Administration, Agriculture Conservation Programs Branch, clippings. 1950-1953
- IX B5l. Production and Marketing Administration, Food Distribution Programs Branch. 1949-1952
- IX B5m. Production and Marketing Administration, Price Support and Foreign Supply Branch. 1950
- IX B5n. Production and Marketing Administration, Transportation and Warehousing Branch. 1949-1952
- IX B5o. Production and Marketing Administration, Marketing Facilities Branch. 1949
- IX B5p. Production and Marketing Administration, Office of Price. 1950-1951
- IX B5q. Production and Marketing Administration, Fiscal Branch. 1951
- IX B5r. Production and Marketing Administration, Budget and Management Branch and Assistant Administrator for Management. 1949
- IX B5s. Production and Marketing Administration, Compliance and Investigation Branch. 1949-1953
- IX B5t. Production and Marketing Administration, Office of Requirements and Allocations. 1950-1953
- IX B5u. Production and Marketing Administration, Office of Materials and Facilities. 1950-1952
- IX B5v. Production and Marketing Administration, Administrator's Program Staff. 1950-1951
- IX B5w. Production and Marketing Administration, Marketing Research Branch. 1949-1952
- IX B5x. Production and Marketing Administration, Marketing Facilities and Research Branch. 1949-1952
Box 1.3/27
- IX B6. Federal-State relations. 1952-1956
- IX B6a. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Conservation Programs Service. 1953-1956
- IX B6a. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Conservation Programs Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B6b. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Research Service. 1948-1953
- IX B6b. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Research Service. 1954-1955
- IX B6b. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Research Service. 1956-1958, 1983
- IX B6b. Federal-State relations, Agricultural Research Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B6d. Federal-State relations, Federal Extension Service. 1950-1956
- IX B6d. Federal-State relations, Federal Extension Service, clippings. 1954-1955
- IX B6e. Federal-State relations, Forest Service. 1954-1956
- IX B6e. Federal-State relations, Forest Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B6f. Federal-State relations, Soil Conservation Service. 1953-1957
- IX B6f. Federal-State relations, Soil Conservation Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B7. Marketing and foreign agriculture. 1953-1955
- IX B7a. Agricultural Marketing Service. 1953-1955
- IX B7a. Agricultural Marketing Service. 1956-1958
- IX B7a. Agricultural Marketing Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B7b. Commodity Exchange Authority. 1953-1956
- IX B7b. Commodity Exchange Authority, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B7c. Foreign Agricultural Service. 1953-1956
- IX B7c. Foreign Agricultural Service, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B8. Agricultural stabilization. 1956
- IX B8a. Commodity Credit Corporation. 1950-1956
- IX B8a. Commodity Credit Corporation, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B8b. Commodity Stabilization Service. 1954-1956
- IX B8b. Commodity Stabilization Service, Digest of Director's Staff Conference. 1953-1955
- IX B8b. Commodity Stabilization Service, clippings. 1955
- IX B8c. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. 1954-1956
- IX B8c. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B9. Agricultural credit. 1953-1956
- IX B9a. Farm Credit Administration. 1953-1956
- IX B9a. Farm Credit Administration, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX B9b. Farmers Home Administration. 1953-1956
- IX B9b. Farmers Home Administration, clippings. 1954-1956
- IX B9c. Rural Electrification Administration. 1952-1956
- IX B9c. Rural Electrification Administration, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX C. Relations with states and counties (cities). 1949-1953
- IX C. Relations with states and counties (cities). 1954-1956
- IX C. Relations with states and counties (cities), clippings. 1949-1955
Box 1.3/28
- IX C1. Experiment Stations. 1949-1956
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1949-1950, n.d.
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1951-1952
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1953
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1954
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture. 1955-1957
- IX C2. Extension Service and state colleges of agriculture, clippings. 1949-1955
- IX C3. Forest Service. 1949-1956
- IX C3. Forest Service, clippings. 1949-1955
- IX C4. Production and Marketing Administration. 1949-1953
- IX C4. Production and Marketing Administration, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX C5. Soil Conservation Service. 1951-1954
- IX C5. Soil Conservation Service, clippings. 1953-1954
- IX C6. Farmers Home Administration (FHA). 1949-1953
- IX C6. Farmers Home Administration, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX C7. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1949-1953
- IX C8. U.S. Territorial Possessions. 1950-1952
- IX C9. State Commissioners and Departments of Agriculture and Governors. 1949-1954
- IX C9. State Commissioners and Departments of Agriculture and Governors, clippings. 1949-1955
- IX C11. USDA Councils. 1948-1951
- IX C12. State and County Agricultural Mobilization Committees. 1951-1954
- IX C13. Community, County and State Committees (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees). 1953-June 1955
- IX C13. Community, County and State Committees (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees). July 1955-1956
- IX C13. Community, County and State Committees (Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committees), clippings. 1953-1956
- IX D. The Department as a part of the National Executive. 1950-1951
- IX D1. Relations with line departments and defense agencies. 1946-1955
- IX D1. Relations with line departments and defense agencies, clippings. 1949-1955
- IX D1a. Commerce Department. 1950-1955
- IX D1a. Commerce Department, clippings. 1949-1950
- IX D1a(1) National Production Authority. 1950-April 1951
- IX D1a(1) National Production Authority. May-December 1951
- IX D1a(1) National Production Authority. 1952-1953
- IX D1a(1) National Production Authority, clippings. 1950-1952
- IX D1a(1)(a) National Production Authority, orders. 1951-1953
- IX D1a(1)(a) National Production Authority, orders, clippings. 1950-1953
Box 1.3/29
- IX D1a(1)(b) Controlled Materials Plan. 1950-1953
- IX D1a(1)(b) Controlled Materials Plan, clippings. 1951-1953
- IX D1a(2) Business and defense services administration. 1953-1954
- IX D1b. Federal Security Agency. 1951-1953
- IX D1b. Federal Security Agency, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX D1c. Interior Department. 1950-1956
- IX D1c. Interior Department, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX D1d. Labor Department. 1951-1953
- IX D1d. Labor Department, clippings. 1950-1954
- IX D1e. National Defense. 1949-1952
- IX D1e. National Defense, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX D1e. National Defense, Charles F. Kiefer's files on military housing financed by P.L. 480 sales, part 1. 1957-1960, n.d.
- IX D1e. National Defense, Charles F. Kiefer's files on military housing financed by P.L. 480 sales, part 2. 1957-1960, n.d.
- IX D1f. Economic Stabilization Agency. 1950-1953
- IX D1f. Economic Stabilization Agency, clippings. 1950-1953
- IX D1f(1) Wage Stabilization Board. 1950-1952
- IX D1f(1) Wage Stabilization Board, clippings. 1950-1952
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization. 1949-1951
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization. 1952-1953
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization, clippings. 1950-February 1951
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization, clippings. March-May 1951
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization, clippings. June 1951-1953
- IX D1g. National Production Administration. 1951
- IX D1g. National Production Administration, clippings. 1950-1952
- IX D1h. Office of Defense Mobilization. 1950-1951
- IX D1h. Office of Defense Mobilization. 1952-1956
- IX D1h. Office of Defense Mobilization, clippings. 1950-1956
- IX D1h(2) National Advisory Board on Mobilization Policy, clippings. 1951
- IX D1i. Defense Transport Administration. 1950-1953
- IX D1i. Defense Transport Administration, clippings. 1951-1955
- IX D1j. Defense Power Administration. 1951-1953
- IX D1j. Defense Power Administration, forms. 1951-1952
- IX D1k. Munitions Board. 1950-1952
- IX Dl1. Defense Materials Procurement Agency. 1951-1952
- IX D1m. Defense Production Administration. 1950-1953
- IX D1m. Defense Production Administration, clippings. 1951-1953
Box 1.3/30
- IX D2. Relations to the President. 1949-1956
- IX D2. Relations to the President, clippings. 1949-1950
- IX D2. Relations to the President, clippings. 1951-1952
- IX D2. Relations to the President, clippings. 1953-1956
- IX D2a. Executive Offices. 1951
- IX D2a. Executive Offices, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX D2a(1) Budget Bureau. 1950-1953
- IX D2a(1) Budget Bureau, clippings. 1950-1955
- IX D2a(1) Budget Bureau, survey of certain agricultural programs by N. Cary Hayward. 1958
- IX D2a(2) Assistants to President. 1950-1954
- IX D2a(3) National Security Resources Board. 1949-1950
- IX D2a(3) National Security Resources Board. 1951-1953
- IX D2a(3) National Security Resources Board, clippings. 1949-1953
- IX D2a(4) Council of Economic Advisors. 1951
- IX D2a(4) Council of Economic Advisors, clippings. 1950-1956
- IX D2b. Relations to the Vice President. 1949-1956
- IX D3. Relations to Congress. 1949-1956
- IX D3. Relations to Congress, clippings. 1949
- IX D3. Relations to Congress, clippings. 1950
- IX D3. Relations to Congress, clippings. 1951
- IX D3. Relations to Congress, clippings. 1952-1956
- IX D3a. Agricultural committees. 1949-1953
- IX D3a. Agricultural committees. 1954-1956
- IX D3a. Agricultural committees, clippings. 1949-June 1951
- IX D3a. Agricultural committees, clippings. July 1951-1958
- IX D3b. Appropriations committees. 1949-1956
- IX D3b. Appropriations committees, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX D3b. Appropriations committees, clippings, Congressional Record. 1952-1953
Box 1.3/31
- IX D3b. Appropriations committees, clippings, Congressional Record. 1954-1956
- IX D3c. Special Investigating Committee, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX D4. Relations to political parties, clippings. 1949-1952
- IX D4. Relations to political parties, clippings. 1953-1954
- IX D4. Relations to political parties, clippings. 1955
- IX D4. Relations to political parties, clippings. 1956
- IX D5. Interdepartmental committees and boards. 1946-1955
- IX D5. Interdepartmental committees and boards, clippings. 1952-1955
- IX D5a. Interagency Food Committee. 1951-1952
- IX D5b. Defense Board for Meat. 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board. 1951-1952
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes, copy 1. April 27, 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes, copy 2. April 27, 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes. June 22, 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes. September 20, 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes. November 6, 1951
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes, copy 1. February 28, 1952
- IX D5c. Agricultural Mobilization Policy Board, minutes, copy 2. February 28, 1952
- IX E. Relations to organized groups. 1949-1957
- IX E. Relations to organized groups, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1. Farm groups. 1949-1951
- IX E1. Farm groups. 1952-1955
- IX E1. Farm groups, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1949-1956
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation, "The Nation's Agriculture." 1949-1954
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation, policies and resolutions. 1950-1956
Box 1.3/32
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation, clippings. 1949-1951
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation, clippings. 1952-1956
- IX E1b. Farmers Union. 1949-1953
- IX E1b. Farmers Union. 1954-1956
- IX E1b. Farmers Union, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1c. National Grange. 1949-1956
- IX E1c. National Grange, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1d. Cooperative organizations. 1949-1956
- IX E1d. Cooperative organizations, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1d(1) National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. 1949-1955
- IX E1d(2) National Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation. 1949-1955
- IX E1d(2) National Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E1f. National Cotton Council. 1950-1955
- IX E1f. National Cotton Council, clippings. 1948-1956
- IX E1g. National Farmers Organization. 1956
- IX E1g. National Farmers Organization, clippings. 1956
- IX E2. Trade groups. 1949-1956
- IX E2. Trade groups, clippings. 1949-1956
- IX E2a. Industry advisory committees. 1950-1956
- IX E3. Labor groups. 1949-1956
- IX E4. Civic groups. 1950-1955
- IX E4. Civic groups, clippings. 1949-1950
- IX E4a. Religious groups. 1950-1954, n.d.
- IX E4a. Religious groups, clippings. 1949-1951
- IX E4b. Consumer groups. 1949-1954
- IX E5. Advisory committees. 1949-July 1953
- IX E5. Advisory committees. August 1953-1956
- IX E5. Advisory committees, clippings. 1950-1956
- IX E5a. National Agricultural Advisory Commission. 1954-1956
- IX E5a. National Agricultural Advisory Commission, clippings. 1951-1956
X. Technological Invention and Acceleration. 1949-1956
- X A. Production. 1949-1956
- X A. Production, clippings. 1949-1955
- X B. Processing. 1949-1955
XI. Recommendations and Special Studies of USDA Programs. 1951-1956
- XI. Recommendations and Special Studies of USDA Programs, "Cost of Federal activities..." 1953
- XI A. Studies initiated by Ezra Taft Benson. 1953
- XI A. Studies initiated by Ezra Taft Benson, clippings. 1953-1954
- XI B. Congressional field hearings. 1955
- XI B. Congressional field hearings, clippings. 1953-1954
Box 1.3/OS 1
- VII D2b. India. 1952
- IX B7:
- IX B7a. Agricultural marketing Service. 1953-1955
- IX B7c. Foreign Agricultural Service. 1953
- IX D1f(2) Director of Price Stabilization, protest of CPR 113 (potatoes). 1952
- IX E:
- IX E1a. American Farm Bureau Federation. 1949-1953
- IX E1d(1) National Council of Farmer Cooperatives. 1949
Mapcase Folder
- VIII D. Farmer attitudes and opinions. 1940
- IX C. Relations with states and counties (cities). 1950