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Research Publications (Nutrition)

View recent food and human nutrition research articles from a selection of peer-reviewed journals. Explore publications by searching with keywords or filtering results by a journal name or nutrition category (nutrients, foods, or beverages). New articles are added daily.

Displaying 4276 - 4300 of 12951

  1. Ingredients, structure and reconstitution properties of instant powder foods and the potential for healthy product development: a comprehensive review

    • Food & Function
      • Beverages
      • Foods
  2. Whole grain germinated brown rice intake modulates the gut microbiota and alleviates hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia in high fat diet-fed mice

    • Food & Function
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  3. Presence of digestible starch impacts in vitro fermentation of resistant starch

    • Food & Function
      • Nutrients
  4. Non-starch polysaccharides from kidney beans: comprehensive insight into their extraction, structure and physicochemical and nutritional properties

    • Food & Function
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  5. Nutrition care for the adult post–intestinal transplant patient

    • Nutrition in Clinical Practice
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  6. High-dose vitamin D3 supplementation in pregnancy and risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in the children at age 10 - A randomized clinical trial

    • The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  7. Lactobacillus amylovorus promotes lactose utilization in small 2 intestine by enhancing intestinal barrier function in intrauterine growth restricted piglets

    • The Journal of Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  8. Prognostic Performance of Hematological and Serum Iron and Metabolite Indices for Detection of Early Iron Deficiency Induced Metabolic Brain Dysfunction in Infant Rhesus Monkeys

    • The Journal of Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  9. Association between dietary intake of live microbes and chronic constipation in adults

    • The Journal of Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  10. An Algorithm to Assess Calcium Bioavailability from Foods

    • The Journal of Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  11. A walnut-enriched diet for 2 years changes the serum oxylipin profile in healthy older persons

    • The Journal of Nutrition
      • Foods
  12. Trimethylamine N-oxide, β-alanine, tryptophan index, and vitamin B6-related dietary patterns in association with stroke risk

    • Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
      • Nutrients
  13. Dietary Patterns Among U.S. Children: A Cluster Analysis

    • Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
      • Nutrients
  14. Postprandial hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes is reduced by raw insoluble fiber: A randomized trial

    • Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
      • Nutrients
  15. Effect of vitamin D supplementation on symptoms severity in vitamin D insufficient women with premenstrual syndrome: a randomized controlled trial

    • Clinical Nutrition ESPEN
      • Nutrients
  16. Barley consumption under a high-fat diet suppresses lipogenic genes through altered intestinal bile acid composition

    • The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
      • Foods
  17. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors: a key link between lipid metabolism and cancer progression

    • Clinical Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  18. High-beta-glucan and low-glycemic index functional bulgur produced from high-beta-glucan barley

    • Journal of Functional Foods
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  19. Effects of citrus flavanone hesperidin extracts or purified hesperidin consumption on risk factors for cardiovascular disease: evidence from an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

    • Current Developments in Nutrition
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  20. Australian stakeholder perspectives on healthier retail food environments for toddlers - the era of ‘band aids and small inroads’

    • Current Developments in Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  21. Replacement Of Dietary Fish Protein With Bacterial Protein Results In Decreased Adiposity Coupled With Liver Gene Expression Changes In Female Danio Rerio

    • Current Developments in Nutrition
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  22. A high quality Aotearoa New Zealand dietary pattern adapting a Mediterranean diet for metabolic health: a feasibility study

    • BMC Nutrition
      • Nutrients
  23. Nanotechnological interventions in bacteriocin formulations – advances, and scope for challenging food spoilage bacteria and drug-resistant foodborne pathogens

    • Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
      • Beverages
      • Foods
  24. The combinational effect of inulin and resveratrol on the oxidative stress and inflammation level in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy

    • Current Developments in Nutrition
      • Foods
      • Nutrients
  25. The high-expression programming of SR-B1 mediates adrenal dysfunction in female offspring induced by prenatal caffeine exposure and its cholesterol accumulation mechanism

    • Food & Function
      • Beverages
      • Nutrients